
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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en This user is a native speaker of English.
en-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of English.
es-2 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
ja-0 この利用者は日本語わかりません(または理解するのがかなり困難です)。

My name is Kef Li Eric Marcus X-Schecter. Legally, I am Kevin Lee Fields. I have no academic credentials of any kind, fake or otherwise. ;)

Although my username appears as 'Furrykef' in most MediaWiki-based wikis like Wikipedia, it is properly 'furrykef'.

[edit] Wiki stuff

On Wikipedia I usually lurk, fix typos/grammar/markup, create redirects, and post on talk pages. Rarely do I heavily revise an article or start a new one. I guess that makes me an unsung zero. ;) For a brief time, while I was being voted on for sysop, I plotted global domination, but when I actually got my powers, I decided against it.

But most of all I end up correcting typographical errors. See /Wiki stuff that bugs me.

My wikibooks are mostly abandoned efforts. They require more dedication than I am willing to put into them; in each case I just wanted to get the ball rolling. Usually the ball rolls a little and stops dead once it gets down the hill, but at least I tried.

[edit] Toy wikis

These are little wikis I have created. One lesson I learned: don't use Much of their stuff is broken (for example, invites to private wikis, making private wikis useless) and they don't give a crap about their users. :(

[edit] Non-wiki stuff

  • Kef's Internets, my website. Some parts may be NSFW, but you won't stumble upon any naughty pictures without warning.
  • My LiveJournal, which is here (warning: may include strong views, strong language, and weak reasoning -- and occasional TMI (Too Much Information))

[edit] Briefography

[edit] Furry

The 'furry' part of my handle refers to the fact I am a so-called furry. Despite everything you are likely to have ever heard about furries, many are quite normal people. I think.

Well, I'm not normal, but I'm not abnormal in that way, y'knowwhatImean?

[edit] Hobbies

Drawing, composing/arranging music, playing the guitar, designing computer games, programming, playing poker, learning languages, writing.

[edit] Programming languages

Usually I write in Python, on the web I often use PHP, and when I have to I use C++. I am also able to use other languages like Java, Ruby, and even assembly, but I rarely need to and therefore rarely do.

- Kef

In other languages