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Riddick, one of the last of the Furyans
Riddick, one of the last of the Furyans

The Furyans are a nearly extinct spiritual warrior race found in the movie The Chronicles of Riddick. A young Necromonger warrior, who later becomes Lord Marshal of the Necromongers, once was told by a seer that he would be killed by a Furyan, so he attacked the planet Furya, killing as many as he possibly could. After the massacre, also known as the "great infanticide" (as stated on The Chronicles of Riddick DVD), only a few members of the Furyan race remained.

Richard B. Riddick is one of the last of the Furyans and, due to the events of The Chronicles of Riddick, the Alpha Furyan, which appears to be the strongest and (possibly) the leader of the Furyans. In the movie Pitch Black, Riddick says that his eyes received a "surgical shine job" on Butcher Bay, a prison planet, by a doctor for "20 menthol Kools," which he uses to explain his eyes' appearance, more than likely a way to increase his "bravado." However, in The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay the player witnesses that the doctor, Pope Joe, only stitches up a gash on Riddick's arm after he retrives Pope Joe's tye-dye colored radio, which he refers to as his "blessed voice box," not by receiving 20 packs of cigarettes as payment; we witness that it appears that the Eyeshine is, apparently, "bestowed" upon him, and we hear a woman's voice, explaining to Riddick what is happening to him (we also hear her voice at the beginning and ends of Butcher Bay). The Eyeshine, as stated before, was either given to him, or just came to him naturally, as stated in the novelization.

Furya is now a ruined world with no life of which to speak. Vin Diesel has said that Riddick will visit Furya in the next film.[citation needed]

In The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury one of Antonia Chillingsworth's frozen specimens is labeled "Furyan".

[edit] Powers and abilities

Riddick using the Wrath of the Furyans
Riddick using the Wrath of the Furyans

As seen in the movies and mentioned in the novelization, Furyans themselves are impressive physical specimens; they are stronger, faster, tougher, more resistant to damage and injury, possess acute senses, immense stamina, and recover quicker than most of the Human races in the Riddick Universe. Riddick, the Alpha Furyan, the strongest and most powerful Furyan, possesses "Eyeshine", which allows him to see in the dark (the Hellhounds of Crematoria also possess eyeshine, but, as stated on "The Chronicles of Riddick" special features, this is purely coincidental). Whether this is a trait of Furyans (or the Alpha Furyan) has not been confirmed. Riddick himself, has obtained what is called "The Wrath of the Furyans", which is essentially the collective anguish, pain, suffering and anger of the billions of Furyans who didn't escape the Necromonger Slaughter 30 years ago. He used it against Vaako and his Hunting Party of Necromonger Soldiers, which killed all of the Soldiers, except Vaako, and the Purifier (who was Furyan himself). Riddick also used this "technique" against Abbott and his fellow prison guards in TCoR: Butcher Bay, after being "interrogated."

The extent of the physical abilities of a Furyan are unknown. Riddick himself has held his own against a particularly difficult Dark Planet Grue (from Pitch Black); he also quickly "re-set" his arm back into place after it was dislocated by Johns, a bounty hunter trying to capture him, and he himself was able to dislocate and pop his own shoulders back in, in order to escape from being tied to the ship's bulkhead. He has also been shown to be very agile and athletic, moving surprisingly fast for a man his size and weight, being able to cover great distances and not tire out as easily as normal humans; he can also leap impressive distances, and can perform otherwise practically impossible physical feats that most humans would be hard-pressed to duplicate.