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Furir is a Swedish rank awarded after 10 months of conscript training.


[edit] History

[edit] Origin

The responsibility of a furir was to arrange for housing as well as the distribution of food in a Company. The rank was replaced with fanjunkare 1875 to be reintroduced 1914 as a rank for senior squad leaders and instructors.

[edit] Currently

A conscript Furir can be found in a variety of positions, either as a specialist in a field and/or, as a MP man, a cavalry rifleman, a team leader or a deputy team leader. A team generally consists of between 4-10 soldiers including a team leader and a deputy team leader. Directly below this rank is the rank of Korpral and above it the rank of Överfurir.

[edit] Reform 1972

Korprals were elevated to Furir.

[edit] Överfurir

The rank was established 1942 and placed above Furir. It was removed 1983 as a professional rank, but appointments to the rank for non-professionals continued until 1991. Prior appointees retain their rank and temporary appointments are still made in some circumstances, primarily for the duration of international peacekeeping missions.

[edit] See also

Rank Furir Fu
Rank above Sergeant
Rank below Korpral
Rank criteria 10 months of conscript training
Role during international deployment Squad leader, deputy squad leader, rifleman or specialist
Responsibility Squad leader or deputy squad leader