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Furanui Kenjutsu (also known as the Shiranui-ryu) was a style of swordsmanship which hitokiri Kawakami Gensai created. He learned some of the sword from Todoroki Muhe and learned bushido from Miyabe Teizo. Furanui Kenjutsu is not to be confused with Himura Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu style, which is fictional. There is no information that Hitokiri Gensai favored a fast draw technique but it is said that assassins in general favored this method of swordsmanship. While he never favored the battōjutsu (quick draw) as mentioned above, he did implement it into his style on occasion, and his peculiar battōjutsu stance once again lent itself to fictional anime character Himura Kenshin.

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