User talk:Funstitch

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks for joining Wikipedia and making the contributions to the various Disney pages. You seem to have much enthusiasm, which is good.

Please read the Wikipedia guidelines for formatting text, and make sure that you adhere to those. Almost all of your attraction additions contain incorrect WK formatting and will be removed if not corrected.

For example, do not end every statement with !. Do not phrase the attractions as "Here you can..."; try and avoid the "you" reference if possible.

Take a look at what older statements have been formatted like (before you made your additions), and try to write in the same style. Thanks much! SpikeJones 15:15, 18 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] reason for edit

Please see note regarding why the 'inspired by comment' was removed. What are your thoughts on having to address this same issue with every other ride/attraction that has been "inspired by" rides at other parks (ToT, Pooh, etc)? SpikeJones 21:30, 15 April 2006 (UTC)