
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • User since 4 February 2005
  • 133 pages edited
  • 46 images uploaded
  • 26 song samples uploaded

[edit] Pages I Originated

Date Page Title
5 February 2005 LMLK seal
7 February 2005 Biblical archaeology
8 February 2005 MMST
9 June 2005 Nazareth Inscription
10 November 2005 Zayit Stone
10 March 2006 Nahal Tut
27 March 2006 Pim weight
1 April 2006 Bulla (seal)
21 April 2006 List of Quidam Performers
21 April 2006 List of Quidam's Itinerary
27 May 2006 Full Circle (film)
4 September 2006 Quidam CD
10 February 2007 Edwin Davis French
14 February 2007 Kate Dickinson Sweetser
22 March 2007 Redondo Beach pier

[edit] Significant Additions I've Made

Date Page Title
4 February 2005 Seals section of Hezekiah (forgot to log in)
11 February 2005 Israel section of Tumulus
11 February 2006 KH1 & KH2 sections of Ketef Hinnom
15 February 2006 Elevation Summary section of Colorado River
21 February 2006 Summary of Stages section of Supernova remnant
23 February 2006 Age section of Great Barrier Reef
14 March 2006 Early Hominids section of Cranial capacity
18 March 2006 Physiology section of Apatosaurus
16 April 2006 Characters, Acts, & Seating sections of Quidam
20 April 2006 Danger, Trivia, & Tour History sections of Quidam
7 May 2006 Milestones section of Józef Milik
26 September 2006 Archaeology section of Ramat Rahel
12 October 2006 Souvenir Programs section of Mystere
22 March 2007 Welcome-sign photo & City-borders map of Redondo Beach, California

[edit] Pages I Always Have Trouble Finding When I Need Them