Funky Dragon
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Funky Dragon (Welsh: Draig Ffynci) is a youth organisation in Wales, which describes itself as the Children and Young People's Assembly for Wales. It is a peer-led organisation which provides opportunities for young people up to the age of 25 to have their voices heard on issues that affect them.
It works closely with the Welsh Assembly Government and youth forums run by unitary authorities, enabling it to influence decision making at different political levels.
[edit] Grand Council
The Grand Council is the main body of Funky Dragon, and comprises 90 young people: 3 from each of the 22 unitary authorites in Wales, 8 representatives of special interest groups, 8 co-option seats for other organisations and 8 Ambassadors. The Ambassadors are representatives who have served their elected terms and chosen to remain for a further year, so as to help run activities and assist newly elected representatives through their first year. The special interest and co-option seats are available for election at Funky Dragon's annual general meeting, usually held in July.
This section tells you about who does what and how and why in Funky Dragon. Mission Statement
Funky Dragon - the Children and Young People’s Assembly for Wales - is a peer-led organisation. Our aim is to give 0 – 25 year olds the opportunity to get their voices heard on issues that affect them. The opportunity to participate and be listened to is a fundamental right under the United Nations Convention Rights of the Child. Funky Dragon will try to represent as wide a range as possible and work with decision-makers to achieve change.
Funky Dragon’s main tasks are to make sure that the views of children and young people are heard, particularly by the Welsh Assembly Government, and to support participation in decision-making at national level.
The Grand Council is be made up of a total of 100 young people from across Wales, representing the views of a wide range of both voluntary and statutory organisations. In-depth discussions have taken place around the total number of young people on the Grand Council. Young people across Wales can access the Grand Council through one of the four categories.
Local Authority Wide Forums
Statutory Sector – 22 places. Voluntary Sector - 22 places. School Councils - 22 places
Funky Dragon is using the term local authority-wide forum as we recognise that some forums representing the geographical area of a local authority are either independent or are supported by an agency other than the Local Authority such as the Princes Trust or the Children’s Society.
Each Local Authority Wide Forum is offered two places for young people (one for the statutory sector and one for the voluntary sector) on the Grand Council. It is up to each forum to democratically elect their representatives. Representatives are asked to commit to a 2 year term with the Grand Council.
Each Local Authority Wide Forum will be responsible for carrying out its own election process. The only conditions Funky Dragon puts on the process are:
- The young people involved are aged between 11 and 25
- The election must be a fair and democratic process
- Only young people are able to vote
- One young person should represent the statutory sector e.g. youth clubs, schools, social services etc
- One young person should represent the voluntary sector e.g. local charities, uniformed group, young farmers etc
Funky Dragon reserves the right to refuse any representative if any of the above conditions are ignored.
The Election Process
Within the structure of Funky Dragon there are positions that require an election by the Grand Council. These are for positions on the grand council and the management committee.
For the Grand Council these are:
- Special Interest Places
- Co-option Places
For the management committee these are:
- Trustees under the age of 18
- Trustees aged 18 or over
Specific Interest Places
Young people have chosen 8 issue areas in which they feel need specific representation in the Grand Council:
- Gay & lesbian
- Disability
- Young carers
- Looked after young people
- Black and minority ethnic
- Have been homeless
- Have been in juvenile justice system
- Long term health problems (but not necessarily a disability)
Where organisations or systems are in place for particular areas we will be approaching them to see how we can recruit young people that not only represent an organisation, but also that particular area. For example, with the area of looked after young people, we have approached Voices from Care and with black and ethnic minority young people, we have approached the Black Youth Network. Where more than one organisation wishes to put a young person forward, elections will take place at the Annual General Meeting.
For many of the areas, whilst there are local organisations doing the work on the ground, for example, projects dealing with young people who have been homeless include Swansea Young Single Homeless Project; Dewi’s in Neath Port Talbot; Pembroke Action for Single Homeless; Adref in Aberdare and others, there is no all - Wales organisation specifically for young people who are homeless and there are no all Wales networks to support the work of these organisations.
Our challenge will be to ensure that we can support any young person coming forward to represent a particular area, in developing communication networks that enable other young people across Wales to feed into Funky Dragon and get information back. It is for this reason that we must ask that the young people have a sponsor organisation in order that they can get support at grass roots. Again where more than one organisation wishes to put a young person forward, elections will take place at the Annual General Meeting.
In effect these are empty places. The aim is to make sure that the Grand Council is as representative of children and young people in Wales as possible, whilst recognising the fact that 60 young people will never be truly representative of young people across Wales.
Once the Grand Council is in place these will be used to ensure as wide a range of representation as possible. Should the Grand Council feel that they are under represented in anyway then they can actively seek organisations to get young people representing an area/ interest.
The ambassadors are members who have served their two year term on the grand council but who’s experience is considered to be vital. They are invited to stay on, as part of the Grand Council, so that they can pass on the working methods and history of the organisation to newer members.
If you are interested in joining the grand council you need to
Every year the Grand Council representatives get the chance to meet again with Assembly Ministers to question them on issues that are affecting young people across Wales. During the meetings, the young people are able to catch up on what the Ministers have been doing since the previous AGM, follow up on any issues talked of in a previous meeting and use the time to get to know the Ministers better!
The questions are decided by the grand council, youth forums, specific interest groups and any other groups of young people wishing to ask a question and get an answer from Assembly Members.
Past Ministers who have attend the meetings include Jane Davidson, Minister for Education Lifelong Learning and Skills and Jane Hutt, Minister for Assembly Business Equalities and Children
The Funky Dragon AGM happens once a year in the Welsh Assembly's building in Cardiff Bay.
The Grand Council and young people from across Wales are able to come together and discuss their views/opinions and then question Ministers during Question Time. The Grand Council members meet Ministers and Officials to discuss how young people from all over Wales can affecr change at a national level.
Time is then spent in the Assembly's chamber to complete elections, declaration of accounts and any other business.
Funky Dragon has become known for its 'Funky Dragon does the Oscars' award ceremony in the evening, recognising the hard work and achievements of Grand Council Representatives
Each of the Sub-Groups has an Assembly Member responsible for the development of every area - included here are articles, reports, documents, proposals, committee minutes for each sub-group area. The Ministers are:
Minister for Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills: Jane Davidson Minister for Environment, Countryside and Planning: Carwyn Jones Minister for Culture, Welsh Language and Sport: Alun Pugh Minister for Health and Social Care: Dr Brian Gibbons Minister for Social Justice and Regeneration: Edwina Hart Minister for Enterprise, Innovations and Networks: Andrew Davies Minister for Finance, Local Government and Public Services: Sue Essex
Each Sub-Group area has 2 Grand Council representatives as Co-Chairs within Funky Dragon, and it is their duty to take forward the ideas discussed throughout the year at Grand Council residentials and the Annual General Meeting (AGM).