Full House episodes (Season 7)

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Season seven episodes of Full House (a television sitcom that ran on the ABC)

The seventh season of the show was aired in (1993-1994)

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

(September 14, 1993)

The twins, Alex and Nicky, are in their parents' bed. Jesse and Rebecca insist that they go to their own beds. The twins refuse, saying they prefer the “big bed”.

At Camp Lakota, a summer camp, Michelle is saying goodbye to her friends. She thanks Danielle for teaching her to “power spit”, and she tells Denise that she will miss her. Denise reminds Michelle that she lives down the block from her. Stephanie enters and asks Michelle if she’s said bye to all her friends. Michelle says indicates that she has not said goodbye to Gilbert, a bunny. DJ and Kimmy enter and ask that the children go to sleep, so the counselors can party. Denise asks Steve to tell a scary story, so he does.

The story begins, “It was a dark and stormy night”. An old man named “Cropsy” lived in a cabin until a bulldozer, for no apparent reason, came barreling down on him while he was inside the cabin. Steve says they built the camp right over the location of Cropsy’s cabin, and that, when it rains, a half man, half mud Cropsy maniac comes to attack the campers.

Meanwhile, back at home, Nicky and Alex still refuse to sleep in their own beds. They are in bed with Jesse and Rebecca.

The girls return home from camp. They are greeted with hugs. Michelle brings gifts that she made for Nicky and Alex. She presents a lion to Nicky because it is his favorite. She also gives a lion to Alex because its all she learned how to make. Stephanie wants “Chipped beef and bug juice” like “Greasy Abe” made at camp. Michelle asks Jesse not to call her “Munchkin” anymore as a nickname, as she prefers her camp nickname of “Trail Mix”. Jesse is very hurt.Stephanie then wants to call David, Billy, Sean, and Greg. Danny is worried that those sound suspiciously like boys’ names. As the three go upstairs, they sing that they love Camp Lakota.

Upstairs, DJ asks Stephanie about her sandals. Stephanie says they are at the bottom of the lake, and the two begin to argue. Michelle asks them to stop because they are scaring Gilbert. DJ and Stephanie are surprised to see the bunny, and told Michelle that she was supposed to let it go before they left camp. Michelle argues that Gilbert did not wish to go free. Danny enters and notices the bunny. Stephanie explains that they found it with a broken leg and nursed it to health. Danny explains to Michelle that Gilbert belongs with his friends, but Michelle insists that she is his friend. Steve enters and offers to return the bunny to camp. All three girls decide to go with him. After they leave, Danny is sad and says quietly to himself, “Welcome home, girls”.

Back at Camp Lakota, DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle enter their old cabin, and comment that it looks different. Michelle then realizes that Gilbert is missing, and is sorry that she did not get to say goodbye to the bunny. Michelle then becomes afraid of the Cropsy maniac because it is wet outside.

At the house, in the twins’ room, Jesse and Nicky share a bed and Rebecca and Alex share the other one. Both beds are shaped like racecars. The kids describe their beds as “yucky”, but Jesse calls them “expensive”. Soon Jesse and Rebecca fall asleep in the kids’ beds. Nicky and Alex kiss them goodnight and retire to their parents’ bed.

At the cabin, Michelle expresses concern that DJ and Steve, who are outside, will run into Cropsy. DJ and Steve enter, and the lights go out. Stephanie tries to hide her fear. They hear a noise, but Steve dismisses it as “just the wind”. Stephanie argues that “It’s never just the wind!” Then a man covered in mud enters the cabin, and Steve tackles him. Another man enters who is quickly revealed to be Danny. The muddy man turns out to be Joey, who fell in the mud. At this point the rain begins to stop and the lights come back on. Danny, realizing that the girls are disappointed, explains that the camp is like a cinema when the movie is over.

They return home, and make s’mores. Trying to make the girls feel better about being home, Danny comments, “Greasy Abe never made s’mores like these.” Joey enters and sits on the s’mores, which are on the couch. They stick to the seat of his pants. Jesse then sprays Joey’s backside with whipped cream, and Rebecca puts a cherry on the whipped cream. Danny begins to wipe the mess from Joey’s pants but stops, feeling awkward, and tells Joey that he better do it.

The girls say they are happy to be home and apologize for hurting their dad’s feelings by speaking so highly of camp after their initial return. Jesse says something to Michelle, referring to her as “Trail Mix”, but Michelle asks him to call her “Munchkin” again. Comet then starts to eat the s’mores off Joey, so Joey runs upstairs saying, “I’m not having a good day.”

[edit] The Apartment

(September 21, 1993)

Episode Synopsis: Danny is in the kitchen when D.J. and Kimmy enter with shopping bags. They explain that they were shopping for their friend, Kathy’s, baby shower. Danny is surprised because Kathy is still in high school.

This is the last time that you hear the extended theme, with some parts cut off.

D.J. and Kimmy inform Danny of their plans to go to Steve’s apartment. Danny expresses his reluctance to let D.J. go, but D.J. promises to be home at 11, and Danny agrees.

In the living room, Joey is wearing headphones, and muttering something about being “at peace”. Jesse, mocking him, lifts one earphone and says in Joey’s ear “I am a tranquil idiot”. Joey begins to repeat it but realizes that it’s Jesse and explains that he was trying to escape the pressures of life. Rebecca wonders if that is not why he watches Beavis and Butthead.

Michelle enters, complaining that she does not have a hobby. Jesse says that cementing the driveway is his hobby, so Michelle wants to do the same. Rebecca thought that Jesse was supposed to be looking for bidders, but Jesse explains that he was the lowest bidder. Jesse and Joey leave to rent a cement truck.

At Steve’s apartment, Steve is showing off his independence by standing on the coffee table, eating ice cream for dinner, and listening to loud music except when his neighbors complain. D.J. tells Steve that Kimmy could not make it, and, realizing they are alone, they begin to make out. D.J. stops, saying “it doesn’t feel right”. Steve is annoyed because they are rarely alone; he comments about the number of people living in her house. They decide to watch a movie. Steve has Terminator and Indecent Proposal. The both immediately choose Terminator.

Meanwhile, back at the house, Jesse lists their costs aloud while Joey adds them up on his wristwatch calculator. When Jesse asks for the total, Joey can only tell him that it took 9 seconds for him to list the items. Danny enters; he is worried because D.J. is late coming back from Steve’s. Joey suggests that he call Kimmy.

Kimmy is asleep when Danny calls. When Danny asks why she’s not at Steve’s apartment, she explains that her parents would never let her go to a boy’s apartment. Danny, annoyed, asks for Steve’s number. After shifting through a drawer, Kimmy eventually finds it but reminds Danny that’s it is worthless because Steve’s phone is not hooked up yet.

Danny goes to the apartment and looks through a window above the door to see D.J. and Steve asleep together on the couch. He is horrified, screams, and falls. The sound wakes D.J. who sees that its 1:00 AM. (Oddly, the movie is still playing, which indicates, since Terminator is less than two hours long, they started the movie after D.J.’s curfew, 11 PM.) D.J. opens the door to meet her father, who is outraged. His reaction, given the innocent explanation, seems to D.J. to be too harsh.

In the backyard, Jesse and Joey are finishing up the concrete. Their scraping sounds begin to mimic the theme song from The Addams Family, and, noticing this, they both begin singing it. Steve enters, wishing to see D.J. Jesse suggests to Joey that they take back the cement truck rental. Joey, realizing the truck must cross the newly poured cement to get out of the yard, asks how long it will take to dry. Jesse says 72 hours, and wonders how much it will cost. Joey begins to punch it into his wristwatch calculator until Jesse, frustrated, throws it into the cement mixer.

Upstairs, Michelle offers to show Stephanie her new hobby, collecting leaves. Stephanie is shocked to see their room full of leaves. Stephanie begins to throw them out the window, and, in response, Michelle throws Stephanie’s shoes out the window.

In another room, D.J. and Steve are talking. Danny comes in pretending to be vacuuming but actually spying. D.J. and Steve leave, annoyed. Stephanie and Michelle enter the room, arguing. Danny, not interested in dealing with it now, quickly tells them to rake up the leaves, kiss, and apologize to each other. He then leaves. Stephanie and Michelle think they got off easy, but then they hear Danny shout “Look at the mess in here!” from the other room.

D.J. and Steve get in the cement truck for privacy. They being making out, and accidentally hit a lever, which causes the cement conveyor to break into the kitchen window and begin pouring cement into the kitchen. Danny enters, asking if there is “anything worse than ground leaves in carpet” to which Jesse responds “yep” upon seeing the cement pouring into the kitchen. They both try in vain to stop the cement. All the while, Joey is sitting at the table listening to a relaxation tape, oblivious to the ruckus.

Later, Danny enters D.J.’s room. She begins to apologize for the cement truck mishap, but Danny also apologizes for invading her privacy and forcing her into the cement truck in the first place. D.J. accused Danny of treating her like a kid. Danny acknowledged that he was particularly concerned with her well-being after hearing that her high-school friend had a baby. Danny agrees to let D.J. go back to Steve’s apartment, and is happy to hear that D.J. has no plans to start a family. D.J. informs her dad that he owes $30 to Steve’s landlord for the chair he broke while looking through the window.

[edit] Wrong-Way Tanner

(September 28, 1993)

Michelle is playing in a soccer game, but she scores the winning goal for the opposite team. She then decides to quit soccer. Stephanie makes an embarrassing video for class about her family.

The second alternate theme is used.

[edit] Tough Love

(October 5, 1993)

When kids are out of control it's time to say NO. That is what Becky and Jesse face when the boys are acting any way they want and nobody is telling them NO. Their behavior is effecting the whole Tanner household. The line is crossed after the twins destroy Michelle's science project. Vicky fixes dinner for the family for the first time. Danny pays Michelle & Stephanie $5 to pretend they like the food when they eventually start to love it.

[edit] Fast Friends

(October 12, 1993)

In this Full House episode, Stephanie has been separated from her friends due to a redistricting plan that changes where they attend middle school. She is faced with the struggle of meeting new friends, especially when several who try to befriend her try to encourage her to smoke. She decides not to do this, and ends up making friends with one of these girls, Mickey. Viewers are also introduced to Gia Mahan, who later becomes a friend of Stephanie's. In Making Out Is hard to Do we will learn that Stephanie has helped Gia to quit smoking, be more respectful, and improve her grades.

It was quite common in the early 1990s for American schools to go from a system of Junior High for students in grades 7-8 or 7-9 to a system of Middle Schools for grade 6-8 or 6-9. This was because it was felt children were entering puberty faster and experiencing problems associated with adolescence at an earlier age. In the first of the Full House books, Stephanie is shown to experience a different problem associated with adolescence in sixth grade. In a different school, she is tempted to join a clique known as the Flamingoes. Though it is not stated for certain, it is plausible that a different redistricting plan was adopted by the local school system.

In subsequent airings on ABC Family when they picked up the series, the entire scene with Stephanie refusing to smoke a cigarette in the restrooms was cut, save for her comment about her "last chest x-ray" and the resulting rejection from Mickey et al.

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Friends" .

[edit] Smash Club: The Next Generation

(October 19, 1993)

Jesse is shocked to discover that he has inherited the Smash Club from Buzz Market. Jesse and the Rippers played gigs at the Smash Club more than virtually any other band, but the place has been closed down for the past couple of years. Jesse will become the owner only if he can reopen the club. If he can't do it, the club will be turned into a parking lot. After receiving some ideas from D.J.., Kimmy, Stephanie, and Steve, Jesse decides to reopen the Smash Club as a place where anyone can come to hear cool new music from new bands -- no age limit like the Smash Club had before, when people had to be 21 or older to get in. Jesse's plans also state that no alcoholic beverages will be served in "The New Smash Club". Jesse and Joey head to the Smash Club, which is, of course, a mess. Jesse wants to clean up the place so he can get the loan he needs to reopen it. Eleanor Cook, a loan officer from the Embarcadero Bank, shows up. After talking to Jesse, Eleanor believes that Jesse is unprepared because the building is not up to code, so she turns Jesse down. Later, Jesse calls the bank and talks Eleanor into giving him another chance to get the loan. This time, Jesse tries to learn as much as he can about building codes, fire codes, and safety codes. This time, after the second interview with Eleanor, she approves Jesse for the loan, which means Jesse can reopen the Smash Club. It turns out that Eleanor used to be a dancer at the Smash Club, and like Jesse, she doesn't want to see the Smash Club get turned into a parking lot. Meanwhile, Michelle tries to turn Nicky and Alex into her own personal servants.

[edit] High Anxiety

(October 26, 1993)

Michelle tries to act grown up that when a frisby is thrown onto the playground fence, she is too afraid to get it. Jesse tries to make decisions for the Smash Club.

[edit] Another Opening, Another No Show

(November 2, 1993)

Jesse is finally opening the Smash Club! Kimmy wears an outfit that Jesse does not like and comments it. Upset, Kimmy goes to the storage room. Joey hires R.E.M. that turns out to be old ladies named Rachel, Ester, and Marie and everyone who is coming tonight can't wait to see the real band. The Senor Cappuchino machine won't work because the instructions are in Italian. Jesse raged goes into the storage room and screams!!! Now, realizing Kimmy is here as well they have a long talk and Jesse apologizes. Jesse now a bit wet figures out that there is no way out! Stuck, Jesse asks for Kimmy's help. Meanwhile a food critic at the Smash Club is getting less patient by the moment outraged he threatens to close the place down. After a couple of good tries everything is in working order. Everyone is happy but, where is Jesse? When the disco ball is turned on Jesse is on the ball and the Smash Club is a hit!

Famous Quotes

Jesse: "What are you doing to my Señor Cappucino?!? I told you, READ-THE-INSTRUCTIONS!!
Jesse: "Grab the tush and push!"

[edit] The Day of the Rhino

(November 9, 1993)

Michelle orders a Rigby dinosaur action figure, but the doll isn't what it was advertised to be. During a Rigby appearance at the mall, Michelle, along with the help of Joey, Stephanie and her friends, protest. The other children at the Rigby show join in their protest. Later that day, Rigby comes by to the Tanner house and gives her a bigger doll.

[edit] The Prying Game

(November 16, 1993)

Many people say things they regret later when they are angry. This was the case for DJ when she finds Stephanie and Kimmy hiding out in Steve's apartment. Stephanie's intentions were good but her actions were wrong. DJ says some mean things to Steph but later realizes her errors. Jesse, Joey, and Danny sell a copy-righted invention.

[edit] The Bicycle Thief

(November 23, 1993)

Michelle claims her bike was stolen. So Jesse,Joey, and Danny all find the same bike but they're all someone else's. They then find Michelle left it at her friend Derek's house.

[edit] Support Your Local Parents

(November 30, 1993)

The twins only play by themselves in playgroups, which prompt Jesse and Becky go to a twins support group. Michelle and Stephanie get access to D.J.'s closet because they know she got a ticket

[edit] The Perfect Couple

(December 14, 1993)

Joey gets a job hosting a new show, similar to the Newlywed Game. D.J. and Steve participate as the dating couple, but doubt their relationship because they feel as though they know nothing about each other. Danny is supposed to go on the show with Vicky as the engaged couple, but Vicky misses the show and Danny has to compete with an old, fat woman that he doesn't know. Jesse and Rebecca compete as the married couple. Danny and the old, fat woman end up winning the game show, even though they've never met. After the show, Vicky arrives, but the two end up breaking up. Danny is a nervous wreck!

[edit] Is It True About Stephanie?

(January 4, 1994)

Stephanie gets revenge on a classmate of hers that's been giving her trouble at her new school. Danny rearranges the house to avoid Vicky's move.

[edit] The Test

(January 11, 1994)

D.J. is very nervous about the upcoming SAT. On the day of the test everything goes wrong. A neighbor who she yelled at gave the test and almost every member of family came in to help her but made everything worse. Soon, Danny & Becky come and broadcast the test live on television and Vanna White appears to help figure out where each student would go to college. Kimmy got every single one of her answers right and would go to Stanford. D.J., however, got every question wrong and would be going to Clown U. But it all turns out to be a nightmare. D.J. wakes up and Danny makes her feel better and more relaxed about the test.

[edit] Joey's Funny Valentine

(January 25, 1994)

After a couple of weeks of dating her, Joey introduces his new girlfriend Roxy Martin to the family. Roxy is a comedian, like Joey. Roxy is nervous about meeting the family, and as a result, she can't think of anything funny to say. After Roxy meets the family, Jesse schedules Roxy to perform on comedy night at the Smash Club, where Roxy adds insulting jokes about the family to her comedy routine. At home, after returning Little Sid to its owner Big Sid, the girls are given a choice of one item from Big Sid's store for free, and this leads to arguments between the girls, who each want a different item. D.J. wants to get a big-screen TV, and Stephanie wants to get a Karaoke machine. The decisive vote is left up to Michelle.

[edit] The Last Dance

(February 8, 1994)

Jesse's grandfather comes for a visit. When Papouli dies unexpectedly, the whole family is sad. Michelle is especially upset, because Papouli was supposed to come into her class to teach them a Greek dance. Uncle Jesse comes into her class to teach the dance instead.

[edit] Kissing Cousins

(February 15, 1994)

Jesse's cousin Stavros (who is actually John Stamos in a double role) visits the Tanner household from Greece, but takes advantage of their generosity and kindness. He took money and charged others his fees. Then, he lied about a destroyed Greek village. Steph and Michelle decided to hold a dance fundraiser. The money was used for his trip to Florida. But, he was tricked and the money went to charity.

[edit] Love on the Rocks

(March 1, 1994)

A mountain-climbing expedition makes DJ question her relationship with Steve. They both don't feel that they're getting anything out their relationship. So they decide to break-up. The Tanners decide to prank Joey with his lottery ticket, but Joey counter-pranked them when he saw the title of the tape: Joke on Joey!

In season 8, Scott Weinger makes his final appearance, as Steve, and ends up taking D.J. to her prom.

Question: The prom episode was in season 6. That makes no sense! Answer: The prom in season 6 was Steve's prom. In Season 8, DJ references this event by saying "I went to STEVE'S prom!"

[edit] Michelle a la Cart

(March 15, 1994)

Rebecca helps Michelle build a box car and enter a race. Michelle feels discouraged after being teased by a boy in school who said that boys were better than girls. However, Michelle ends up winning the race. Stephanie teaches Joey ballet to improve his hockey. D.J. and Steve have mixed feelings about their break-up.

[edit] Be Your Own Best Friend

(April 5, 1994)

Michelle has to choose a friend to draw as a school project, and she picks Denise. But things get complicated when her old friend Teddy moves back to San-Francisco. Now Denise and Teddy are making Michelle chose one of them for the class project. But because Michelle took advantage of their friendship, she doesn't have anybody to draw anymore, and Teddy and Denise stop being her friend. Michelle now has only one option. She decides to draw Comet as her best friend.

[edit] A Date with Fate

(May 3, 1994)

DJ and Danny end up dateless at a restaurant that they both ended up at. Jesse plans the coolest Mother's Day that collapses by the twins.

This would be Scott Weinger's final appearance in Season 7, but he returned in part 2 of Michelle Rides Again in Season 8 as Steve to take D.J. to her prom.

Weinger played Steve Hale from (1991) re-curring (1992-1994-95-Michelle Rides Again, Season 8)

[edit] Too Little Richard Too Late

(May 10, 1994)

Michelle's favorite part of school, the arts program, has been cancelled because of budget cuts. At a PTA meeting, Danny and Joey stand up for the arts program, and Danny nominates Joey for PTA president. His opponent, Mrs. Carruthers, won't give up without a fight, but with the help of Denise's uncle Richard (played by Little Richard), Joey becomes the co-president of the PTA with Mrs. Carruthers, and they decide that the arts program, which is a favorite among a lot of the students, should be brought back to the school.

[edit] A House Divided

(May 17, 1994)

Lou Bond, a man who lived in the Tanners' house before the Tanners, wants to buy the house for double of what it's worth. Everyone agrees on selling the house, except for Michelle. Jesse and Rebecca want to move out of the house. When Danny gives a tour of the house to Lou Bond, Michelle and her friends try to make the house look bad so they can stay. Finally, Michelle convinces everyone to stay because they love being together.

Full House
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
Danny | Jesse | Joey | D.J. | Stephanie | Michelle | Becky
Nicky and Alex | Kimmy | Comet | Steve
Full House books | Full House chronology