Talk:Frumuşeni Mosaics

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[edit] Further editing needed

I did what I could to copy-edit this, but there were places where I couldn't understand well enough to fix it. I've stuck a few questions (in HTML comments) in the text. - Jmabel | Talk 16:48, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

Also, I'm guessing that some of what the external link links to were used as references. Citing the references explicitly would be good. - Jmabel | Talk 16:53, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

Yes, the article is actually based on translating from Romanian to English newspaper articles (e.g.: [1], [2], [3], [4]) and the research raport, [5] [6] of the archeologists. greier 17:35, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Palace/port?

"a 23m x 8m two-level palace/port" doesn't make much sense. The main meaning of "port" in English is a place where ships dock. I assume that is not what is meant. The nautical meaning of "left" makes no sense here, nor does "port wine". There are other obscure or technical meanings, but none of them seem to me to make sense here. Maybe "portal" (gateway)? But the relation to palace would still be unclear. - Jmabel | Talk 00:27, 20 June 2006 (UTC)

It was a two-level building which functioned both as a palace and as a port (on the Mures river). It was something like this (a Byzantine port/palace on the Danube from the same 10th century) greier 12:15, 22 June 2006 (UTC)
Interesting. I've seen that arrangement on a smaller scale, but never with quite so much of a landing that the word "port" would have been in order. - Jmabel | Talk 05:40, 30 June 2006 (UTC)
It`s not my choose...

Conform celor relatate de dr. Adrian Andrei Rusu, in aceasta zona a fiintat intre secolele XII -XVI un complex monastic numit Manastirea Bizere, prima atestare documentara datand din anul 1183. Potrivit datelor existente, in anul 1253, aici exista o viata prospera, comunitatea monastica numarand intre 20 si 30 de calugari. Manastirea facea parte dintr-o salba de asezaminte monahale construite pe malurile Muresului, fiind una dintre cele mai prospere si avand statuat dreptul de a vamui transporturile de sare facute pe Mures. La inceput a fost o manastire de rit ortodox (greceasca), ulterior fiind preluata de catolici. Pana catre sfarsitul XVI-lea a fost manastire benedictina, dupa care nu a mai fost locuita. De mentionat ca, in urma sapaturilor arheologice de anul trecut, cercetatorii au identificat, in cadrul complexului, patru obiective, un turn cu fantana, numita de localnici "Fantana Turcului", unde apa a fost regasita la o adancime de 2,70 m fata de limita superioara a ghizdului actual de piatra, o cladire civila situata in nordul complexului monastic, fost palat sau cladire portuara, avand dimensiunile de circa 23 m x 8 m, cimitirul manastirii, unde au fost cercetate 40 din cele aproximativ 300 de morminte cat se estimeaza ca s-ar gasi aici. - doua biserici aflate la sud de cladirea civila mai sus amintintita. Prima biserica, o bazilica cu stalp central si cu nave laterale foarte inguste, a fost construita la sfarsitul sec. XI - inceputul sec. XII, fiind inzestrata cu pavimente de mozaic, coloane si colonete din marmura alba, traverin si gresie galbena si rosie, componente din marmura rosie, pavimente de caramida, cea de a doua biserica, ridicata din cate se pare dupa 1150, avand componente similare, dar cu o valoare constructiva mai saraca. In ceea ce priveste "Fantana Turcului", se apreciaza ca ea a fost construita in secolul al XIII-lea (s-ar putea insa ca ea sa aiba o vechime mai mare), fiind cea mai veche fantana din Transilvania. from [7] --14:24, 30 June 2006 (UTC)greier

Cladire does make a bit of a difference there. Perhaps "port building" or "building used as a port"? Because "port" alone tends to suggest something larger. - Jmabel | Talk 22:06, 6 July 2006 (UTC)