Talk:Fritz Kreisler

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Austrian army, or Austria-Hungarian? -- Ortonmc

All the sources I've looked at (including one by Kreisler himself that I'm just going to externally linking from the article) just call it the "Austrian army", but I guess it would have served Austro-Hungary. I don't know - that bit of history isn't something I know anything much about. --Camembert
I'm not an expert on the subject either. I suppose there might have been separate Austrian & Hungarian armies. Let's leave it as it is unless other info turns up. -- Ortonmc
For whatever it matters: Kreisler was in fourth battalion, Company 16 of the 3rd Army corps of the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian army (according to Lochner)
There's a Hungarian mens' dance called the verbunk (the best example is from Szatmar, or Satu Mare in Romanian); we were told by Zoltan Zsurafszky (a dance professional from Hungary) that recruiters got men in the Hungarian villages liquored up, then watched them dance to judge their physical condition and coordination. The best/most agile dancers were drafted into the Austro-Hungarian army. --MgFrobozz

[edit] Spanish text removed

I removed this additions (from jego38 (talk contribs)) text from the article. - Skysmith 19:16, 17 August 2006 (UTC)

Fritz Kreisler (1875 - 1962) Era un compositor y violinista Austriaco, quizá uno de los mas famosos de su época. Kreisler nació en Vienna. Estudió en el conservatorio de Paris y también el de Vienna, con profesores como Delibes, Joseph Hellmesberger Jr., Joseph Massart y Jules Massenet. Hizo su primer tour por América entre 1888 y 1889 con el pianista Moriz Rosenthal, luego regresó a Austria a conseguir un puesto en la Orquesta Filarmónica de Vienna, pero fué rechazado. Se dedicó después de esto a estudiar medicina y luego pintura. De hecho se enlistó en la armada antes de volver a tocar violín en 1899, durante un concierto con la filarmónica de Berlin, bajó la conducción de Arthur Nikish. Este sería el concierto que le daría reconocimiento internaciona, junto con algunas giras por Norte América entre 1901 y 1903.

What makes you say that Kreisler was born in a Jewish family? Neither of the 2 biographies, by Lochner and Biancolli, supports this.

It should also be mentioned that the Guarneri (Del Gesu) instrument he used for most of his career became known as the "Kreisler" . Why just mention the that the Bergonzi took on his name? I believe that the Kreisler is in a state of preservation in the Smithsonian Institute in Whashington.