Talk:Friedrich Ludwig Jahn

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[edit] NPOV

This is a complete, unreflected appraisal of the man who, among other things, iniated the first book burning in modern German speaking countries. See the German article for more details and ugly stuff that must be mentioned. -- 00:08, 28 May 2006 (UTC)

Indeed, this person is found to be German anti-semite and nationalist. Another one of several here on Wiki who's views aren't shown.--Molobo 21:00, 31 May 2006 (UTC)

From German wiki: „Die Kleinstaaterei verhindert Deutschlands Größe auf dem Erdenrund. Wer seinen Kindern die französische Sprache lehren lässt, ist ein Irrender, wer darin beharrt, sündigt gegen den heiligen Geist. Wenn er aber seinen Töchtern französisch lehren lässt, ist das ebenso gut, als wenn er ihnen Hurerei lehren lässt. Polen, Franzosen, Pfaffen, Junker und Juden sind Deutschlands Unglück.” --Molobo 22:35, 31 May 2006 (UTC) Die Sozialistische Jugend verwies auf das rechtsextreme und rassistische Gedankengut, das der Österreichische Turnerbund in der Tradition des "Turnvaters " Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (Zitat: " Franzosen, Polen, Pfaffen, Junker und Juden sind Deutschlands Unglück! ") pflegt. In dieser zum Nationalsozialismus hinführenden Tradition steht das Hakenkreuz für die " Überlegenheit der arischen Rasse" . --Molobo 22:38, 31 May 2006 (UTC)

I fully agree with Molobo that this article is not NPOV and needs to be revised. At least the work partiot is too euphemistic and should be replaced with nationalist'. --Schoelle 13:45, 13 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Fascist Body As Political Icon--Global Fascism edited by J. A. Mangan

[1] There he read from his Deutsches Volkstum which he published in 1810. This is a work replete with racial intolerance and Darwinists assertions. In just one illustration in Deutsches Volkstum Jahn stated: ‘The purer a nation is the better; the more mixed it is the worse

This quotes demonstrate the ideology Jahn pushed forward. --Molobo 22:52, 31 May 2006 (UTC)

Jahn was also a Darwinist avant la lettre. User:Ejrrjs says What? 08:21, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] An example of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn's views, he wrote that :"hatred of everything foreign was the German's duty"

Jahn wrote that hatred of everything foreign was the German's duty [2] It's clear that this current version of the article presents a very biased view of this person and should be re-written. --Molobo 23:02, 31 May 2006 (UTC)

This link doesn't work. That aside it looks like there is some merit in your argument and it might be useful to contribute by expanding the "Critical Views" section in order to create a more balanced, better informed article. Wiggy! 12:42, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Anti-German POV

Molobo is an expert on anti-isms, especially its practical appliance, as shown in his contribs to Wikipedia. --Matthead 23:18, 31 May 2006 (UTC)