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Popular internet blog phrase that combines parts of "frigging" and "retards" to create a new word.

Adapted by the Georgia Political Blog "" to refer specifically to Wayne LaPierre (a/k/a "Frenchy") and his band of Ivory Tower based, ahem, Washington based NRA operatives who believe it is more important to force a bad law (GA SB 43) and win, than listen to their grass roots and admit they were wrong.

Other examples of Frigtards would be Raymond White (NRA's Lobbyist in Georgia) and Senator Chip Rogers R-21(the sponser of SB 43.)

Because of the nature of the popular use of the term by political blogs, the term "frigtard" is now a politically correct way of calling someone retarded. Really, it's O.K to use in public. Just ask your parents. They'll approve.