Friendly Hostility

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Friendly Hostility
Author(s) K. Sandra Fuhr
Current status MWF
Launch date January 8, 2004

Friendly Hostility is another webcomic by K. Sandra Fuhr. As with Boy Meets Boy, which was loosely based on characters from the artist's This Is Home, so, too is Friendly Hostility. The comic currently appears in a three-times weekly format, released on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Begun in the final days of Boy Meets Boy, Friendly Hostility debuted on January 8, 2004 with an in depth view of the family history of Kailen (Fox) Maharassa, introducing Fox's mother, father, sister and his "Uncle" Rafi, a con artist and weekend Satanic priest.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Cast Page

As proclaimed on Keenspot, the primary characters are as follows:

  • Kailen "Fox" Maharassa, a proclaimed bisexual journalism major who lives with his formerly "asexual" lover, Collin.
  • Collin Sri'vastra, a cynical, megalomaniacal poli-sci major, who has frequent falling-outs with his parents, and plans on ruling a South-American country by the age of 30. In a story arc from January 4, 2006 to January 18, 2006, he announced he was gay.
  • "Bootsie", Collin's personal slave acquired in a poker game early in the strip. Bootsie's contract ended in late 2005, but she chose to remain Collin's assistant. In the January 30, 2006 strip she revealed her real name to The Demon, who she has an unrequited crush on, as Anne. Anne's last name was revealed earlier as Khoeler.
  • "The Demon", first found in the refrigerator, then the hall closet, and now a recurring character, pining for Fox's sister Fatima, who does not return his affection. The Demon's real name gives people nosebleeds. Apparently all demons have a name that causes some "evil" event when spoken, as The Demon's brother has a name that causes things to catch fire.
  • Fatima, Fox's older sister, AKA "The Evil Ice Princess From Hell." A field biologist who has a strained relationship with her mother.

Supporting characters are:

  • Nefertari Maharassa, Fox's Mom, a former dancer and home-maker. Padma and Rafi occasionally refer to her as "Bunny."
  • Padma Maharassa, Fox's father, inventor of many odd contraptions, including the Toaster-Mac. He also has an interest in certain arcane practices, such as resurrecting the dead.
  • Ibrafim, better known as "Rafi," Fox's "Uncle", Con-artist, Satanic Priest, and sufferer of an overwhelming nurse-porn fetish.
  • Arath, AKA "Nacho" or "Nachito." Collin's classmate and friend. Concert Violinist. He is Mexican, as evidenced by his trip with Collin to visit friends and relatives during the "Neapolitan Summer" comics of 2006.
  • "N", short for Nyarlathotep; a friend of Fox's and the manifestation of the consciousness of pure chaos. N has been removed from the strip as a whole recently, as stated by the author.[citation needed]

Several anonymous fans have stepped the realm of Friendly Hostility up, creating LiveJournals that are purportedly run by Fox, Collin and Bootsie. Fuhr has stated that these have her approval, and are mostly canon.

Collin and Fox also appear in an episode of Queen of Wands first airing, and with commentary.

The first seven months (roughly) of this comic is actually a prequel to the comic called Problematic. It is devoted to fleshing out the supporting cast, which is entirely Fox's family. In her LiveJournal, Fuhr has hinted at this timeline being developed into its own strip.

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