Fredrik Johansson (electronic sports player)

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Fredrik Johansson, better known by the pseudonym MaD]Q[FroG (pronounced Madfrog), is a famous Swedish WarCraft III player. He is considered one of, if not the greatest and most influential player of the Undead race. He has been successful in a wide number of tournaments and is popular for his unique and very clever gameplay. He retired in October 2005 right after BlizzCon finished where he has been invited to play in a tournament. He has played for the professional gaming team Schroet Kommando (colloquially known as SK) since the beginning of his career. He currently resides in Sweden but has travelled across the world to compete in professional WarCraft leagues. He has also spent eleven months in Seoul, South Korea where he played for the Korean team 'Sonokong [FrienZ]'. He gave up his school education for a few months to play there and gain a lot of experience.

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