Fred Halliday

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Fred Halliday, academic and author, is a British academic specialist on the Middle East and international relations, with particular reference to Iran.

Fred Halliday was born in Dublin (?Dundalk), Ireland, in 1946. He studied at Queen's College, Oxford, the School of Oriental and African Studies, and the LSE in London. Halliday's PhD was on South Yemen, and despite his prolific output it famously took him 17 years to complete and then publish (Sale, 2002). Since 1983, he has been teaching in London at the London School of Economics, and is one of Britain's leading experts on Middle East affairs.

At the LSE, Halliday is Professor of International Relations, and a member of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights. He sits on the advisory council of the Foreign Policy Centre. He is also associated with the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP), and appears regularly on ABC, BBC and CBC radio and TV broadcasts. He has lectured widely on superpower relations, development issues, the Middle East and international-relations theory. He is the author of numerous books, including The World at 2000, World Politics, and Two Hours That Shook the World. Six of his books have been translated into Arabic. [1].

A talented linguist, Halliday speaks Persian, French, German, Spanish and Arabic. He is widely travelled in the Middle East, and has met and interviewed several key Islamic fighters, rebels, and errant religious leaders and politicians over the years. An episode of paranoia in 2001/2 forced a retreat from public life. As his bibliography shows, he later recovered, to continue lecturing and publishing.


[edit] Key arguments

  • Globalization & Sovereignty: Halliday argues that the future of globalisation relies on good interstate agreeements - citing the success of the euro and the World Trade Organization (WTO). He cautions about the real threat of interstate war. One of the negative aspects of globalisation is a rise in inequality, ably exposed by Halliday's colleague at the LSE, Robert Wade. Halliday notes how more than 100 countries are effectively excluded from the global flow of investment. 2002.
  • Halliday is both radical and conservative in his views on the Middle East and the continuing security crisis. He castigates the US strongly for its inappropriate military interventions in the region, which he argues has actually recruited for al-Qaeda, a movement that began "from the Cold War, in particular the financing, training and arming of tens of thousands of jihadi militants by the US, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan for the war in Afghanistan in the 1980s". But more conservatively, he dislikes the anti-globalisation and anti-US movement, castigating it as holding "a set of vague, unthought out, uncosted and often dangerous utopian ideas about an alternative world". Lastly, contra some left-wing analysts, he argues the Soviet and Communist periods were detrimental for international relations and profoundly undemocratic. [2]. Elsewhere, he has suggested the political left and radical Islam make strange bedfellows in the notional war on western capitalism, and points out that they were once openly hostile to each other [3].
  • In 2005, Halliday stated that there are perhaps 50 scholars in the UK with in depth knowledge of the Middle East, but that this number is rapidly declining. Furthermore, these scholars had warned against the war against Iraq in 2003, but they weren't consulted by the UK government. The situation in the US is much the same, but with more pressure against independent scholars.

[edit] Publications

[edit] Books

  • Author:
  • 100 Myths About the Middle East, Saqi Books, 2005 ISBN 0-520-24720-5 (Hardback) / ISBN 0-520-24721-3 (Softback). Halliday's most recent book to be released in the US in September.
  • The Middle East in International Relations: Power, Politics and Ideology, Cambridge University Press, 2005 ISBN 0-521-59741-2.
  • Revolution and Foreign Policy: The Case of South Yemen, 1967–1987, Cambridge University Press, 2002 ISBN 0-521-89164-7 | ISBN 978-0-521-89164-6 Softcover.
  • Two Hours That Shook the World: September 11, 2001: Causes and Consequences, Saqi Books, 2002 ISBN 0-86356-382-1.
  • The World at 2000, Palgrave McMillan, 2001 Softcover ISBN 0-333-94535-2 | Hardcover ISBN 0-333-94534-4.
  • Nation and Religion in the Middle East, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000 and Saqi Books ISBN 0-86356-044-X.
  • Revolution and World Politics: The Rise and Fall of the Sixth Great Power, Palgrave McMillan, 1999 ISBN 0-333-65328-9; Duke University Press, 1999 Softcover ISBN 0-8223-2464-4.
  • 'Islam and the Myth of Confrontation. Religion and Politics in the Middle East, I.B. Tauris, 1996 ISBN 1-86064-868-1.
  • Does Islamic fundamentalism pose a threat to the West? (6-page booklet), report for Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 1996.
  • From Potsdam to Perestroika. Conversations with Cold Warriors, BBC Publications, London, 1995.
  • Rethinking International Relations, University of British Columbia Press, 1995 ISBN 0-7748-0508-0.
  • Islam and the Myth of Confrontation: Religion and Politics in the Middle East, I.B. Tauris, 1995 ISBN 1-86064-868-1; reprint 2004 Softcover ISBN 1-85043-959-1.
  • Rethinking International Relations. Realism and the Neoliberal Challenge, Palgrave McMillan, London, 1994 ISBN 0-333-58905-X.
  • Arabs in Exile. Yemeni Migrants in Urban Britain, I.B. Tauris, October 1992.
  • Cold War, Third World: Essays on Soviet-American Relations in the 1980's, Radius Books, 1991 ISBN 0-09-174440-7.
  • Revolutions and Foreign Policy. The Case of South Yemen, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
  • From Kabul to Managua: Soviet-American Relations in the 1980s, Pantheon Books, 1989 ISBN 0-679-72667-5.
  • European neutralism and Cold War politics (32-page booklet), Department of Politics, University of Sheffield, 1990 ISBN 0-9512760-1-8.
  • Cold War, Third World. An Essay on Soviet-American Relations, Radius, London, 1989.
  • State and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan, MacMillan Education, 1988 ISBN 0-333-38307-9.
  • Beyond Irangate. The Reagan Doctrine and the Third World, TransNational Issues 1, TNI, 1987.
  • The Making of the Second Cold War, Verso, London, 1983 ISBN 0-86091-752-5.
  • The Ethiopian Revolution, with Maxime Molyneux, Verso Books, London, 1981 Softcover ISBN 0-86091-741-X; 1982 Hardcover ISBN 0-8052-7121-X and ISBN 0-86091-043-1.
  • Threat from the East: Soviet Policy from Afghanistan and Iran to the Horn of Africa, Pelican Books Ltd, 1982 ISBN 0-14-022448-3.
  • Soviet Policy in the Arc of Crisis, TNI/IPS, June 1981 ISBN 0-89758-028-1.
  • Mercenaries in the Persian Gulf. Counter-insurgency in Oman, Russell Press, Nottingham, 1979.
  • Iran: Dictatorship and Development, Penguin Books Ltd, 1978 ISBN 0-14-022010-0.
  • Mercenaries: 'Counter-insurgency' in the Gulf, Spokesman Books, 1977 ISBN 0-85124-197-2.
  • Arabia without Sultans, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1974 ISBN 0-86356-381-3; reprint 2002.
  • Contributor:
  • "Islam is in danger. Authority, Rushdie and the Struggle for the Migrant Soul." In: Jochen Hippler and Andrea Leug (ed) The Next Threat. Western Perceptions of Islam, TNI/Pluto Press, London, 1995.
  • "The Siren of Nationalism." In: Chester Hartman and Pedro Vilanova (ed) Paradigms Lost. The Post Cold War Era, TNI/Pluto Press, London, 1992.
  • Editor:
  • Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan with Hamza Alavi, Palgrave Macmillan, 1988 ISBN 0-333-38307-9.
  • Foreword or Introduction:
  • Why Muslims Rebel: Repression and Resistance in the Islamic World by Mohammed M. Hafez, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004 ISBN 1-58826-302-9.
  • Iran Encountering Globalization: Problems and Prospects by Ali Mohammadi, RoutledgeCurzon, 2003 ISBN 0-415-30827-5.
  • Central Asia After the Empire by Yuriy G. Kulchik, Andrey V. Fadin, Victor M. Sergeev, Pluto Press Ltd, 1996 ISBN 0-7453-1089-3.

[edit] Book Reviews

[edit] Articles & Commentary

[edit] External links

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[edit] Biographical Data

[edit] Interviews

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