Franz Freiherr von der Trenck

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Franz Freiherr von der Trenck, or Baron Franz von der Trenck. (January 1, 1711October 4, 1749), was an Austrian soldier. He is also considered to be the father of military music.

Trenck was born into a military family. Educated by the Jesuits at Oedenburg, he entered the Imperial army in 1728 but resigned in disgrace three years later. He then married and lived on his estates for some years. Upon the death of his wife who had perished in the black plague of 1737. he offered to raise an irregular corps of pandurs for service against the Turks, but this offer was refused and he then entered the Russian army as a mercenary. But after serving against the Turks for a short time as captain and major of cavalry he was accused of bad conduct, brutality and disobedience and condemned to death. Despite showing insubordination he had gained popularity for defying an order to retreat. His sentence was commuted by Field Marschal Münnich to degradation and imprisonment.

After a time Trenck returned to Austria, where his father was governor of a small fortress, but there too he came into conflict with everyone and actually took sanctuary in a convent in Vienna. Prince Charles of Lorraine, interesting himself in this strange man, obtained for him an amnesty and a commission in a corps of irregulars. In this command, besides his usual truculence and bad manners, he displayed conspicuous personal bravery, and in spite of the general dislike into which his vices brought him his services were so valuable that he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel (1743) and colonel (1744).

Trenck earned most of his fame during the War of Austrian Succession, as the leader and commander of the Pandur, a paramilitary regiment, part of the Austrian army, which specialized in frontier warfare, guerrilla tactics and surprise hit-and-run actions, into which he recruited mostly Croatian and Serb (Vlai) mercenaries, experienced fighters from the Austro-Ottoman border. The Pandur soon became infamous for the atrocities they committed on the civilian population, some actions deemed brutal even by the standards of the day.

When the War of the Austrian Succession broke out Trenck rallied volunteers and marched for Vienna to assist Maria Theresa of Austria. While in Vienna, Trenck's Pandurs marched the streets before invading Prussia. At the battle of Soor he and his irregulars plundered when they should have been fighting and Trenck was accused of having allowed the king of Prussia himself to escape.

After a time he was brought before a court-martial in Vienna, which convicted him of having sold and withdrawn commissions to his officers without the permission of the empress, having punished his men without heed of the military code, and having drawn pay and allowance for fictitious men. Much was allowed to an irregular officer in all these respects, but Trenck had far outrun the admitted limits, and above all his brutalities and robberies had made him detested throughout Austria and Silesia. A death sentence followed, but the composition of the court-martial and its proceedings were thought to have been such as from the first forbade a fair trial, and the sentence was commuted by the Empress into one of cashiering and imprisonment. The rest of his life was spent in mild captivity in the fortress of Spielberg (Špilberk in Czech) in Brno, where he died on October 4, 1749. In his last will he left the sum of 30000 Gulden to the small town of Marienburg which had been sacked, burned and raised from the ground by his troops.

[edit] Notes

Note regarding personal names: Freiherr is a title, translated as Baron, not a first or middle name. The female forms are Freifrau and Freiin.

This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.

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