Frank Richard Maloney

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Frank Richard Maloney

Frank Maloney at the typewriter in the early 1970s.
Born: September 9, 1945
Occupation: poet
Nationality: American

Frank Richard Aloysius Jude Maloney is an American writer and poet. He was born on September 9, 1945. He is a graduate of the University of Washington in Seattle where he studied under the poet Nelson Bentley who had been a student of Theodore Roethke and W.H. Auden.

Maloney’s father was an American boxing manager. His father is reputed to have been given a large star sapphire ring after one of his fighters was accidentally killed in the ring during a sparring match with world heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey. Frank Maloney was later given the ring after his father’s death.

How to Eat a Slug
The hardest part is holding it
A joy to drop the curl into steam,
Parboil it, quickly, vengefully.
You drain the melted snot
Away from creek or brake.
And thrust a thumb
Into the half-congealed guts.
What’s left is firm, white,
And altogether mild.
Garlic, butter, and you’ve escargot
You’ve earned your appetite.
—Frank Richard Maloney