Frank Atkins

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Dr Frank Atkins BA Economics, University of Calgary 1973 MA. Economics University of Calgary 1976 PhD. Regulatory Economics, University of Calgary 1981

[edit] Academic History

Dr Frank Atkins began his tenure at the University of Calgary as an undergraduate student in 1969 after graduating as valedictorian from Pouce Coupe High School in British Columbia. He was one of the 10 students receiving the Chancellors Scholarship for his undergraduate class.

In 1974, he began work on his Masters, completing his thesis in 1976 on Regulatory Effects on the Alberta Natural Gas Market. This paper was considered well ahead of its time, and played a vital role in determining government policy in Alberta following the implementation of the National Energy Program in the early 1980s.

After a two year break in which he worked two years for EnCana as a production analysis before going back to school to complete his PhD.

[edit] Sources