Francisco Arce

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Francisco Javier Arce Rolón (born April 2, 1971 in Paraguari) is Paraguayan soccer right defender.

Arce played for Paraguay in the 1998 and 2002 FIFA World Cups and has appeared 61 times for his country. He became famous in Brazil where he played for big clubs such as Grêmio and Palmeiras. He is also famous for his free kick shot technique, scoring many goals this way. He is nicknamed Chiqui Arce.

[edit] Clubs

[edit] Honors

Flag of Paraguay Paraguay squad - 1998 FIFA World Cup Flag of Paraguay

1 Chilavert | 2 Arce | 3 Rivarola | 4 Gamarra | 5 Ayala | 6 Aguilera | 7 Yegros | 8 A. Rojas | 9 Cardozo | 10 Acuña | 11 Sarabia | 12 Aceval | 13 Paredes | 14 R. Rojas | 15 Benítez | 16 Enciso | 17 Brizuela | 18 Ramírez | 19 Morales | 20 Caniza | 21 Campos | 22 Ruiz Díaz | Coach: Carpegiani

Flag of Paraguay Paraguay squad - 2002 FIFA World Cup Flag of Paraguay

1 Chilavert | 2 Arce | 3 Sarabia | 4 Gamarra | 5 Ayala | 6 Struway | 7 Báez | 8 Alvarenga | 9 Santa Cruz | 10 Acuña | 11 Campos | 12 Villar | 13 Paredes | 14 Gavilán | 15 Bonet | 16 Morínigo | 17 Franco | 18 Cáceres | 19 Sanabria | 20 Cardozo | 21 Caniza | 22 Tavarelli | 23 Cuevas | Coach: Maldini

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