François Bordes

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François Bordes
François Bordes

François Bordes (December 30, 1919April 30, 1981), also known by the pen name of Francis Carsac, was a French scientist, geologist, and archaeologist. He was a professor of prehistory and quaternary geology at the Science Faculty of Bordeaux. He deeply renewed the approach of prehistoric lithic industries, introducing statistical studies in typology and expanding the use of experimental flint knapping.

He also published many science fiction novels under his pen name. His books have not been translated into English. On the other hand, in USSR the science fiction of Carsac was very popular. He was translated and published into Russian as well as other languages, for example Latvian.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Prehistory
    • "Principes d'une méthode d'étude des techniques de débitage et de la typologie du Paléolithique ancien et moyen", L'Anthropologie, t. 54 (1950)
    • A Tale of two caves, Harper and Row, 169 p., (1972)
    • Typologie du Paléolithique ancien et moyen, Delmas, Publications de l'Institut de Préhistoire de l'Université de Bordeaux, Mémoire n° 1 (1961), réédition CNRS 1988 : ISBN 2-87682-005-6
    • Leçons sur le Paléolithique, CNRS, 3 vol. (1984)
  • Science fiction
    • Ceux de nulle part (Those from nowhere) (1954)
    • Les Robinsons du Cosmos (The Robinsons of the Cosmos) (1955)
    • Terre en fuite (Fleeing Earth) (1960)
    • Ce monde est nôtre (This world is ours) (1962)
    • Pour patrie, l'espace (For homeland, space) (1962)
    • La vermine du lion (The vermin of the lion) (1967)

[edit] External links