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[edit] Aliens TC

Wasn't it Aliens TC for Doom who got its author in this kind of trouble for the first time? -- Nbettencourt 03:17, 22 March 2006 (UTC)

Yeah, if afaik it's this one form 94/95: [1]. but I'm not sure, as there have been other aliens tcs since the that one 11:16, 17 May 2006 (UTC)
Agreed, I believe it was this one that started the term. I'll update the article. --SevereTireDamage 14:29, 5 June 2006 (UTC)
You guys are incorrect. The original Aliens TC was created by Justin Fisher and it has never ever been Foxed. I've looked all over the internet and have found no reference to such a thing occuring. The guy even got job offers out of it. [2] It was the Quake TC that got Foxed for the first time. 18:04, 10 October 2006 (UTC)dethtoll
I am a long-term member of the Doom community and I can also confirm that this information is incorrect. It was the Quake project which was shutdown for copyright violation. The Doom project was the very first TC (total conversion) created for Doom, and was released in its entirety in 1994. This project has always been available for download from the /idgames FTP archive, and it has also had numerous updated versions of it made to work with modern Doom source ports. I was the creator of one such version, which I entitled Aliens TC 2.0, and thus I have intimate knowledge of this modification.--QuasarTE 19:38, 10 October 2006 (UTC)