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In special relativity, four-acceleration is a four-vector and is defined as the change in four-velocity over the particle's proper time:
- and
and γu is the Lorentz factor for the speed u. It should be noted that a dot above a variable indicates a derivative with respect to the time in a given reference frame, not the proper time τ.
In an instantly co-moving inertial reference frame , γu = 1 and , i.e. in such a reference frame
Therefore, the four-acceleration is equal to the proper acceleration that a moving particle "feels" moving along a world line. The world lines having constant magnitude of four-acceleration are Minkowski-circles i.e. hyperboles (see hyperbolic motion)
The scalar product of a four-velocity and the corresponding four-acceleration is always 0.
Even at relativistic speeds four-acceleration is related to the four-force such that
- Fμ = mAμ
where m is the invariant mass of a particle.
In general relativity the elements of the acceleration four-vector are related to the elements of the four-velocity through a covariant derivative with respect to proper time.
This relation holds in special relativity too when one uses curved coordinates, i.e. when the frame of reference isn't inertial.
When the four-force is zero one has gravitation acting along, and the four-vector version of Newton's second law above reduces to the geodesic equation.
See also: four-vector, four-velocity, four-momentum, four-force.
[edit] References
- Rindler, Wolfgang (1991). Introduction to Special Relativity (2nd). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-853952-5.