
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My name is Sawrk'Quen Yousef. I am an African-American man that lives in San Francisco, California. My life involves hanging with my friends in the Sunset District. Yes, I am in a gang, called the "Nonviolent Community Outreach Gang." The only things we fight are poverty, unemployment, and violence. Our rival gang is the "Community Helpers that are Nonviolent." One time they beat us in the Adopt a Family program because they claimed that some of the money that we donated was actually theirs. We debated for almost an hour but they still came out victorious. We knew we had to stick together and wait until next year to donate a lot more money.

I used to be a punter for my high school football team because my dad made me. I was the slowest, least athletic guy on the team, but could punt really well. I was later kicked off for my grades. They were too high. My 4.5 GPA made them think I wasn't serious about punting. Sad, really. My idol in life is Rodney Williams, who is the only African-American Punter in Football.

I have no sense of humor and I cannot stand comedians. The worst comedian in my opinion is Dave Chappelle. He gives us African-Americans a horrible name.

I am a smart man. I got great grades because of constant studying. My parents would get mad because I was always out with my gang, doing study sessions. I graduated from Dartmouth with honors.

My parents were also hard working people. Their marriage was very successful, they are still together today of course. They only had one kid, me, and are strong Catholics. They believe in all Catholic beliefs very strongly. I don't know why they became Catholics. Our ancestors are from Ethiopia and were named after a Muslim last name, Yusef. My parents are named DeShawn and LaPorshe.

I have odd taste buds. My favorite foods include tofu, pizza, and carrots. I hate all types of chicken because it is gross. The meat inside makes me gag. I am afraid to eat watermelons, because of the seeds. It is a weird feeling to have seeds inside of me. Also, all seafood is gross to me. When I see the fish there, I may even throw up.

I like music. Old-fashioned country is my favorite. I also like heavy metal, except the bass guitar can get annoying in rock songs. Rap music is annoying to me. If I hear anyone playing loud abnoxious rap music, I try yelling at them to turn it down, because I can't stand it. All the synthetic beats are unoriginal and fake. I can't dance at all, except I can do an okay square dance, but people laugh at me when I do it, so I think I am not that great at it.

My dream is to become an administrator on wikipedia, so look for me while editing.

Well that is me I guess. Ask me any questions if you want. Bold text