Forward in Faith

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Forward in Faith (FiF) is a movement operating in several provinces of the Anglican Communion. On the whole it represents a traditionalist strand of Anglo-Catholicism. Forward in Faith is particularly noted for its opposition to the ordination of women and, more recently, to more liberal Anglican views of homosexuality.


[edit] History

FiF was formed in 1992 as a coalition of previously existing organisations formed to work for those opposed to the ordination of women to the priesthood in the Church of England. It also tends to take a more traditionalist line on matters of liturgy, ecclesiology, Christology and the authority of scripture. As of 2005 there were more than 800 member parishes around the world.

[edit] Organisation

The common description of Forward in Faith as an organisation made up of Anglo-Catholic believers is misleading. Because of the nature of FiF and because of the nature of Anglo-Catholic theology regarding ordination of women there is indeed a significant overlap in the two. The membership base of FiF, however, is not exclusively Anglo Catholic nor is it based along churchmanship lines. Indeed there are many members of FiF in the US, in England and around the world who would not consider themselves part of the Anglo-Catholic wing of the Church.

[edit] "What is Forward in Faith North America"

In its brochure entitled "What is Forward in Faith North America", the organisation defines itself as "a fellowship of Bishops, Clergy, Laity, Parishes and Religious Orders, who embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who uphold the Evangelical Faith and Catholic Order which is the inheritance of the Anglican Way, and who work, pray and give for the reform and renewal of the Church with 'no compromise of truth and no limitation of love' FiF/NA members include faithful Anglicans both within and outside ECUSA." For more information on FiF see [1]

[edit] See also

[edit] External links