Fort Miami (Ohio)

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Fort Miami was a fort built on the Maumee River at the eastern edge of the present-day city of Maumee, Ohio and southwest of the present-day city of Toledo, Ohio. It was built by the British on U.S. territory in defiance of the terms of the Treaty of Paris that ended the American Revolutionary War.

The fort played a role in British support for Native American hostilities against the U.S. In August 1794, Anthony Wayne defeated the Native Americans at the Battle of Fallen Timbers within sight of Fort Miami. Under the terms of Jay's Treaty, the British evacuated frontier posts within U.S. territory.

The British again occupied the site during the War of 1812, which at the time was opposite the American Fort Meigs.

The fort structure no longer stands, and the site reverted to agricultural and, later, public park use for many years, resulting in the accelerated erosion of topographical features original to the site. The site is now a protected historical site, and some of the original topographical features, though eroded, are still visible.

[edit] Links

Coastal Ohio: Fort Miamis