Fornost Erain

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Place from Tolkien's Legendarium

Location of Fornost Erain
Name Fornost Erain (Northern Fortress of the Kings)
Other names Norbury of the Kings
King's Norbury
Deadman's Dike
Description Seat of the Kings of Arthedain
Constructed by Arnor
Realm(s) Arnor
 later Arthedain
Lord Kings of Arnor
Type Fortified City
Lifespan Unknown

In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, Fornost Erain (Sindarin 'Northern-fortress of the Kings' from for(n) (north) + ost (fortress); "Norbury of the Kings" in Westron) was a city of Eriador in the north of Middle-earth. It was located at the south end of the North Downs, about 100 Númenórean miles north of Bree; after Fornost Erain was abandoned, the site became known as Deadman's Dike, visited only by Rangers. At the time when The Lord of The Rings is set, Fornost had been abandoned for "nearly a thousand years, and even the ruins of Kings' Norbury were covered with grass".

It is not known when Fornost was founded or when the kings of Arnor moved there from Annúminas, but it is known that the kings moved to Fornost some time around T.A. 861, when King Eärendur died, and Arnor was divided into three kingdoms with Fornost the capital of the greatest kingdom, Arthedain.

Fornost was first attacked by the forces of the Witch-king in 1409, when the border defence system collapsed with the storming of the Forts of the Weather Hills. However the City was successfully defended by the young King Araphor and disaster was averted.

In T.A. 1974, Arthedain was overrun by the forces of Angmar, they captured Fornost, and King Arvedui fled into the northern wastes and was lost in the Ice Bay of Forochel. In the following year, a fleet from Gondor led by Eärnur landed at Mithlond, fought the Witch-king of Angmar in the plains west of Fornost, and defeated him and his armies, although the Witch-king himself escaped.

Fornost fell into ruin following the end of Arthedain and came to be known as Deadman's Dike. Gandalf indicated to Barliman Butterbur that Fornost would probably be rebuilt by King Elessar.