Forças Armadas de Cabinda

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The Forças Armadas de Cabinda (FAC) or Armed Forces of Cabinda is the armed wing of the political Cabinda Nationalist group the Frente para a Libertação do Enclave de Cabinda (FLEC, Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda). The goal of the FAC is the independence of the Nation and Country of Cabinda from the foreign ocupation of the MPLA of Angola. Founded in 1969, the FAC bases its claim for Cabindan Independence on the fact that Cabinda is a totaly seperate country from that of so-called Angola.

Still today the FLEC-FAC army, constituted by revolted civilian volunteers, fights towards the independence of Cabinda, against the MPLA forces' oppression.

As proved by colonial portuguese documents, Cabinda is not part of Angola's administrative borders.[1]

[edit] Letter of Reaffirmation, Constitution of the Independence of the Federal Republic of Cabinda

"The Town and the Regency of the Federal Republic of Cabinda, remembering to the towns of the world that Have proclaimed the Letter of the United Nations, the Letter of Havana", the Universal Declaration of the Human rights, the Convention of Vienna on Diplomatic Relations. Resolution 1514, Resolution 1803 of the Nations United of and considering the text of the same one, in which one affirms: "That the towns of the world have proclaimed in the Letter of the United Nations that are resolute to reaffirm the faith in the fundamental rights of the man, in the dignity and the value of the human person, in the equality of rights of men and women and of the great and small nations, and to elevate the standard of life within a ampler concept of the freedom, equality, respect, wisdom and brotherhood".

That the borders of the territory of Angola were fixed clearly by the conference of Berlin of 1884-1885, where evidence that the territory of Cabinda does not comprise of the territory of Angola, besides to be territories both separated as much geographically as bordering, not sharing any border, as also it is it in the ethnic plane and, in the linguistic one.

All the signatory countries of the Act of Berlin of the 26 of February of 1885 (Great Britain, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Turkey, and the United States of North America), took knowledge that Kingdom of Portugal I sign the Treaty of Simulambuco 1 of February 1885 with the Heads and Princes of Cabinda and later made it recognize, accredited and used of conformity to the one of the Act of Berlin of the 26 of February of 1885, therefore the territory of Cabinda step to be a Portuguese Protectorate and his estatus of Protectorate was authenticated by interjection b) of paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the "Letter of Havana" of the 24 of March of 1948.

The constitution of Portugal 1933 considers clearly to the territory of Cabinda, disto to the territory of Angola.

Also many Official documents of the United Nations and the World-wide Organization of Commerce, consider clearly to the territory of Cabinda different and independent to the territory of Angola.

As much the Organization for African Unit OUA in 1964, identifies to Cabinda as the territory I number 39 in being decolonized and to the territory of Angola as I number 35, as also the United Nations the 20 of November of 1962 take knowledge from the car desire determination of the Cabinda Town.

The conscious towns of the world of the increasing conflicts that originates the fact to deny the freedom to those towns or to prevent it, which constitutes one serious threat to world-wide La Paz....

Convinced that all the towns have an inalienable right to the absolute freedom, the exercise of their sovereignty and the integrity of their national territory...

And proclaiming solemnly the necessity unconditionally to end fast and the colonialismo in all its forms and manifestations for the profit of the economic, social and cultural development of the militant towns...

The Town of Cabinda reaffirms solemnly before the entire world, on the basis of the free popular will based on the principles and democratic alternatives:

The constitution of a Free, Independent and Sovereign State, governed by a democratic, African national system of tendency Humanist, of Christian, progressive confesionalidad, that it acquires as regime form the one of the Federal Republic of Cabinda. In agreement with its doctrine, direction declares a Free African State and Sovereign, also by his free and spontaneous will it proclaims:

1. Its respect to treaties and the international commitments within the framework of the respect of the Car determination of the towns.

2. Its adhesion to the Letter of the UN.

3. Its adhesion to the Letter of Havana.

4. Its adhesion to the Letter of the Organization of African Unit.

5. Its adhesion to the Universal Declaration of the Human rights.

6. Its adhesion to the Declaration on the Concession from Independence to the colonial Countries and Towns.

7. Its adhesion to the Convention of Vienna on Diplomatic Relations.

8. Its adhesion to the Resolution "Permanent Sovereignty on the Natural Resources".

[edit] External links

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