Foleştii de Jos, Vâlcea

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view from the village
view from the village

Foleştii de Jos is a village located in the Tomşani commune in Vâlcea County, Romania, about 43km from Râmnicu Vâlcea. Agriculture (fruit growing, Apiculture, Hay) is the main income source. The village is situated at an altitude of 650 metres, with a transitional and temperate continental climate. The village has an average annual temperature of 8 degrees Celsius and annual rainfall of 900mm.

[edit] General Info

  • Postal code: 247711
  • Population: 803
  • Schools : 1 (Alumni )

[edit] External links

Coat of Arms of Vâlcea County Localities in Vâlcea County, Romania Coat of Arms of Vâlcea County


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Coordinates: 45°03′N, 24°05′E

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