Folded Man

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The Folded Man is a fictional DC Comics supervillain who has fought with The Flash. He was former physicist Edwin Gauss, a young M.I.T. student who was desperate to complete Einstein's Unified Field theory. After maddening attempts at cracking the theory, and after pirating special software from billionaire Norman Bridges, an electronics entrepreneur, Gauss discovered a way to travel interdimensionally and created a special suit that allowed him to traverse at least four dimensions.

Pursued by the outraged Bridges, who believed that the special suit Gauss created is his by right, the brilliant but deranged M.I.T. tech became the Folded Man an quickly came into contact with Wally West, better known as the third Flash. Able to transform his body any number of ways and teleport across dimensions, the Folded Man was easily able to escape the Fastest Man Alive and remains at large.

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