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[edit] Greetings from:

[edit] "∞"

[edit] 'focusoninfinity' -- Jim Miller from Southport, North Carolina, on the Cape Fear River.

[edit] My interest are:
  1. Colonial low country Landgraves, Cassiques, and their Baronies of South Carolina. My ancestor was Landgrave Edmund Bellinger, Sr., of 'Tombodly' and 'Ashepoo' Baronies. A ship's master, Capt. Bellinger brought the first cargo of cattle to South Carolina.
  2. Border Collies
  3. TC-MG's
  4. U.S. Military rifles down to the M-14
  5. Geneology: U.S. (N.C., Va., S.C., Al., N.H., TX, Miss., Fla., Ga., Maine), Canada, France, England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Prussia, Swiss
  6. 1690's-1700's Kaskaskia Illini tribe (descend Ayw-wee-pah-kee-noo-kah or Mdm. Catherine E8ipkin8ca Colon, wife of Canadian to Mobile, Jean Baptiste Colon dit La Violette
  7. Native American spirituality
  8. Diesm & Agnostism (I was reared Episcopalian)
  9. USNS Mizar, T-AGOR 11; I was a civilian 12-4 watch o/s helmsman on 1971 Arctic expedition and other voyages
  10. Obsolete banknotes and history of the Bank of Cape Fear and Bank of Wilmington (N.C.); ancestor Richard Bradley, Jr., signed older BoCF money, and his son-in-law, Stephen Jewett, IV, signed BoW money
  11. 3rd U.S. Infantry, 1815 Mobile, Alabama, Col. Gilbert Christian Russell, Sr., commanding officer; his father, Capt. Andrew Russell, Jr., of Abington, Va., fought at the battle of Kings Mountain, N.C.
  12. Maj. David Moniac, Alabama Mounted Creek Volunteers (dragoons), Second Seminole War, killed Battle of Wahoo Swamp, Florida; over 50 bullets in his human remains; West Point's first or second Native American graduate; widow Mrs. Mary Powell Moniac ("Man-ick") Oceola's cousin, son of Creek Chief Samuel Moniac, Sr., who 1790, N.Y.C., signed the peace treaty with President Washington
  13. Capt. Pierre Gabriel de Juzan who 1815 led 52 Choctaws from the swamp against the British right flank, Battle of New Orleans
  14. Constitionally based, traditional, legislative (not executive) based Office of the Ombudsman for North Carolina.
  15. Legal issues various; non-lawyer member of the ACLU and Federalist Society
  16. Airline history & memorbilia, especially Eastern Air Lines, Piedmont Airlines, USAir, and US Airways.
  17. U.S. FOIA -- Freedom of Information Act and case law.
  18. Capt. William Hilton, Jr's exploration of, "purchasing", and nameing the Cape Fear River and "Hilton River" (today's Brunswick River); I descend his brother, Exeter, N.H., lawyer Edward Hilton, Sr., who wed the widow Mrs. Catherine Shapleigh Treworgye who's father, Capt. Nicholas Shapleigh, ship's master, drafted early charts of the Cape Fear River. They were the sons of Capt. William and Ellen Mainwaring Hilton, Sr.
  19. Colonial Inns of ancestors: Maj.Barnabus Palmer,Sr., of Rochester, N.H.; Etienne Burel of old up-river Mobile, Alabama; Robert and Sarah Sage, Sr., of Sage's Inn (& Wilmington to New Bern stage line), Holly Ridge, N.C. (President Washington recorded it as "indifferant"); 1750's Bradley & Sharpless Inn, Choefington, Cumberland Co., N.C. (ancestor Capt. Richard Bradley, Sr., and father-in-law John Sharpless, III).
