
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Factus

"Probability theory is nothing but common sense reduced to calculation." -- Laplace, 1819 P(Frequentist|Bayesian)\ne 0
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[edit] Genus

This user is an astronomer.
Public domain
This user is a philosopher.
This user is a geographer.
This user is a historian.
eiπ This user is a mathematician.
2^{\aleph_0} This user is a logician.
This user is a statistician.
This user is a physicist.
This user is a linguist.
This user is an anthropologist.
ipa This user fully understands the International Phonetic Alphabet.
zh 這個用戶的母語中文
en-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of English.
it-2 Questo utente può contribuire con un italiano di livello intermedio.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
eo-1 Ĉi tiu uzanto povas komuniki per baza nivelo de Esperanto.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
ja-1 この利用者は少しだけ日本語を話すことができます。
la-1 Hic usor simplice latinitate contribuere potest.
ru-1 Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
sgn-1 This user can communicate at a basic level in {{{1}}}.
bas-4 This user is an expert BASIC programmer.
c-4 This user is an expert C programmer.
for-4 This user programs in Fortran at an expert level.
-4 This user is an expert LaTeX user.
awk-3 This user is an advanced AWK programmer.
bash-3 This user is an advanced bash scripter.
html-3 This user is an advanced HTML user.
M-3 This user is an advanced Mathematica programmer.
Perl-3 This user is an advanced Perl programmer.
sed-3 This user is an advanced sed programmer.
tcsh-3 This user is an advanced tcsh scripter.
Per the Userbox migration, {{User c++-2}} was moved to {{User:Quasar Jarosz/Userboxes/c++-2}}
IDL-2 This user is an intermediate IDL programmer.
lisp-2 This user is an intermediate Lisp programmer.
MAT-2 This user is an intermediate MATLAB programmer and user.
Tcl-2 This user is an intermediate Tcl scripter.