Flying Imams controversy

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The Flying Imams controversy is a controversy concerning the removal of six Muslim imams from US Airways Flight 300, from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Phoenix, Arizona, at 6:30 PM on November 20, 2006. The removal of the imams was initiated when several passengers, as well as crew, became alarmed by what they felt was suspicious behavior.[1][2]

The airport police and Federal Air Marshal agreed the circumstances were suspicious enough to warrant asking the men to leave the airplane. The airline has stated that the captain delayed takeoff and called up airport security workers to ask the imams to leave the plane; the men refused, and that the captain then called police. The plane left without the imams on board about three hours later. The imams were detained, questioned, and then released.

The imams, along with the Muslim American Society and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR - an organization with documented ties to terror groups)[3][4][5][6][7][8] have brought high-profile complaints and demonstrations against the airline, saying they were removed from the airplane solely due to religious discrimination. Investigations by the airline and police so far have reported that the airline and ground crews responded to security concerns properly in removing the men from the plane. [9] The imams were not accused of breaking any laws, at any time, and the matter awaits inquiry by an impartial government body.


[edit] Identities

The six imams were Didmar Faja, Mohamed Said Mitwaly Ibrahim, Marwan Sadeddin, Omar Shahin, Ahmad al-Shqeirat (also known as Amad Tafish Shqeirat) and Mahmoud Sulaiman.

According to current reports, all six live and work in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

[edit] Suspicious behavior

According to some passengers and flight staff, a number of whom didn't identify themselves, the suspicious behavior of the imams included the following: [10][11] [12][13][14]. Some of these observations have been disputed by Omar Shahin in reports to the press, see "conflicting accounts" below.

  • The Imams refused to sit in their assigned seats. Instead, it is claimed that they fanned out in the cabin, sitting in pairs close to the front, middle and rear exit rows.
  • Shahin and and the two Imams seated in Coach Row 9 requested seatbelt extensions (a strap with large metal buckles normally used by obese individuals to lengthen their seatbelts) even though flight staff say none seemed to need it. They then placed the extensions on the cabin floor in front of them instead of attaching them to their seatbelt.
  • Five of the imams travelled with no checked baggage.
  • According to a nearby passenger who spoke Arabic, the two imams sitting in the back of the plane, while speaking to each other in Arabic, mentioned Osama bin Laden and condemned America for "killing Saddam".

[edit] Aftermath

The day following the incident, Imam Omar Shahin, the spokesperson for the group, had the opportunity to speak to the press who had gathered when he returned to a US Airways ticket counter to buy new tickets for the group. He told media that the incident was, "humiliating, the worst moment of my life," and asked, "To practice your faith and pray is a crime in America?" When US Airways would not issue him and the other imams new tickets he called for a boycott of the airline and said, "I'm not going to stay silent...I came to this country to enjoy justice and freedom".[15] He has said it is incorrect that any of the men had one way tickets, and that he had alerted the FBI to the conference in order to prevent this kind of incident from occurring.[16]

On November 27, Shahin and others, including Imam Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, Rabbi Arthur Waskow of the Shalom Center of Philadelphia, Reverend Graylan Hagler of the United Church of Christ, Hillary Shelton, director of the NAACP-Washington National Office, held a "pray-in" consisting of a press statement, public prayer and flight departure at a US Airways ticket counter at Reagan National Airport.[17]

Another protest, organized by the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, took place on December 1, 2006 in front of US Airways headquarters. The spokesman for the group stated, "We want to tell US Airways that second-class citizenship is not an option." Other speakers at the gathering included a Jewish leader, a Catholic cleric, and a Presbyterian pastor who told the crowd that the "Imams did nothing to merit their exclusion from the flight". A spokesman for the Muslim American Society said that several of the affected imams did not attend the gathering because they are shy about publicity and have been humiliated.[18]

One of the imams, Ahmad al-Shqeirat, spiritual leader of the Islamic Community Center of Tempe, said in an interview that the imams are likely to file a discrimination lawsuit against US Airways, saying that "it was handled in an unprofessional way, and the decision (to remove them from the plane) was made by unprofessional people."[19]

Congressman-elect Keith Ellison, who gave a talk on "Imams and Politics"[20]" at the meeting the flying imams were returning home from, attempted to organize a meeting between US Airways executives, the Metropolitan Airports Commission, and other legislators and community members to discuss the incident.[21]

Investigations by the airline, the Air Carrier Security Committee of the Air Line Pilots Association, and the Department of Homeland Security, have thus far supported the actions of the airline and found no evidence that the men were removed from the airline due to religious discrimination because they were "merely praying," but rather for security reasons. A US Airways spokesperson said, "We've done what we typically do in a situation where there is a removal or some kind of customer service at issue...We talked with crew members and passengers and those on the ground....We found out the facts are substantially the same, and the imams were detained because of the concerns crew members had based on the behavior they observed, and from reports by the customers....We're looking at it as a security issue and as a customer-service issue and where we might need to do outreach." A meeting, between the six imams and the airline as part of this investigation was cancled at the imam's request[22].

The imams retained the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as their legal counsel[23]. Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, sent a letter to the airline seeking a settlement agreement and said, "otherwise, the group is prepared to go to court.” Awad told CNN, “This is very important. Otherwise we have no guarantees such incidents with US Airways and other airlines would not happen again.” No information about the amount of damages sought was given.[24]

[edit] Lawsuit

On March 12, 2007, the imams' lawyer, Omar Mohammedi, filed a lawsuit on their behalf for unspecified damages, citing "fear, depression, mental pain and financial injury" on the part of the imams.[25] The lawsuit targeted US Airways and the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, along with several unnamed passengers on the flight, who had reported on the imams' behavior to the flight crew, referred to as "John Doe"s in the lawsuit. The decision to include passengers among the targets of the lawsuit was a controversial one, with some legal experts saying it could have a "chilling effect" on airline security.[26] The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, an anti-religious-discrimination organization, filed a brief on behalf of the passengers, and called the decision "legal terrorism".[27]

As a result of the lawsuit, on March 22, U.S. Representative Steve Pearce introduced the Protecting Americans Fighting Terrorism Act of 2007 into Congress, a bill that would outlaw the suing of airline passengers who report on suspicious activity.

[edit] Conflicting accounts

Shahin denied allegation of suspicious behavior[28] and said everyone in the group had round-trip tickets and that he has the documentation to prove it, that he asked for a seatbelt extension because he weighs 290 pounds, and that the group conducted their sunset-time prayers in a quiet manner.

The police report shows the Imams sitting in seats 1B, 9C, 9D, 21B, 25D and 25E.[29] Regarding the claim that the Imams did not sit in their assigned seats, Omar Shahin stated that only one Imam, Sadeddin, switched seats. Marwan Sadeddin, who is blind and claimed to need assistance, convinced a coach passenger to exchange seats so that he could sit next to Mahmoud Sulaiman[30] on Row 9. Explaining his seats in first class, Omar Shahin said that he is a frequent flyer and had received an Elite Member upgrade to first class. [30]

US Airways has not published the seat assignments of the Imams, so their actual seat assignments are unknown.

Conflicting accounts about the use of handcuffs have put that aspect of the controversy into question. On November 21, 2006 Imam Omar Shahin told the Associated Press, "Six scholars in handcuffs. It's terrible."[31] Amy Goodman reports a similar statement made on November 29. "[30] However, on December 1 The Washington Times stated, "Mr. Shahin says they were not led off the plane in handcuffs, as reported, nor were they kept in handcuffs during their five-hour detention, and they were not harassed by dogs."[32] This is not necessarily a conflict, since the Imams could have been handcuffed at a later time, while in police custody.

However, a Washington Times editorial on December 2 claimed that Shahin had stated that the Imams were already handcuffed when they were taken off the plane.[33] To add to the confusion, a passenger on the plane told a group of news reporters a few hours later that "apparently they [the imams] were all in handcuffs by the end" of their time on the airplane, though it appears that she did not observe this directly.[34]

The Washington Times reported that, according to Shahin, the US Airways refused to sell the imams a plane ticket, despite the intervention of an FBI agent, who tried to persuade the airline in favor of the imams. FBI spokesman Paul McCabe disputes that an agent talked to US Airways on behalf of the Imams.[32]

[edit] Criticism of US Airways

The group had initially attracted attention by praying loudly in the departure lounge before boarding the plane. Spokespersons for Muslim advocacy organizations the Muslim American Society and CAIR argued that rather than doing anything suspicious all the men did was pray and that the removal from the plane respresented religious profiling. CAIR's Arizona chapter spokesperson said that "All these men did was pray, and it was misunderstood. The bottom line is that they were Middle Eastern-looking men ... and that scares some people," and, "We are concerned that crewmembers, passengers and security personnel may have succumbed to fear and prejudice based on stereotyping of Muslims and Islam."

[edit] Criticism of the imams

An editorial in Investor's Business Daily questioned whether the imams were "victims or provocateurs" and suggested that it is possible the incident was planned in advance to gain publicity for planned congressional legislation against profiling.[35] The Muslim American Society also backs this legislation expected to be introduced by Rep. John Conyers of Detroit.[36] Denouncing "the provocative agenda of these imams," Debra Burlingame opined that "it is nothing short of obscene that these six religious leaders (…) chose to turn that airport into a stage and that airplane into a prop in the service of their need for grievance theater."[37]

A former federal air marshal has expressed the fear that the situation "will make crews and passengers in the future second-guess reporting these events, thus compromising the aircraft's security out of fear of being labeled a dogmatist or a bigot, or being sued," and that "Instilling politically correct fears into the minds of airline passengers is nothing less than psychological terrorism." [38]

Other commentators have pointed out the ties of Omar Shahin and others of the imams involved to extremist groups, and pointed out the numerous statements made by the imams in connection with the incident that were contradicted by multiple eyewitness reports.[39] [40] [41]

Critics have also noted Omar Shahin's prior involvement with a similar case. Two Arizona college students and members of Shahin's mosque, Muhammed al-Qudhaieen and Hamdan al-Shalawi, were removed from an America West flight after making two attempts to open the cockpit. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, the FBI had suspected this had been a dry run for the 9/11 hijackings. The students filed racial-profiling lawsuits against America West, now part of US Airways with Shahin as their defense attorney[42]

[edit] Media treatments

This controversy was the subject of a segment of talk show host's Jerry Klein radio show. During the show Mr. Klein purposely pretended to support forcing American Muslims to wear "identifying markers" such as armbands or tattoos (as Nazi Germany did to Jews in before and during WWII) to provoke listener reactions (see Jerry Klein’s 2006 Islamophobia Radio Experiment).

[edit] References

  1. ^ "6 Imams Removed From Flight for Behavior Deemed Suspicious" The New York Times 22 November 2006
  2. ^ "About Those Imams", Richard Miniter, New York Post, December 2, 2006
  3. ^ The CAIR-Terror Connection
  4. ^ CAIR leader convicted on terror charges
  5. ^ CAIR Backs Down from Anti-CAIR
  6. ^ Sestak takes heat over appearance at CAIR banquet
  7. ^ CAIR's Al Qeada Link Exposed
  8. ^ Singing CAIR’s Tune, On Your Dime
  9. ^ Probes dismiss imams' racism claim
  10. ^ "6 Muslim clerics removed from airliner urge boycott" The Seattle Times 22 November 2006
  11. ^ "How the imams terrorized an airliner" The Washington Times 28 November 2006
  12. ^ "Imams Stage Airport 'Pray-In' As Protest", ABC News, 28 November 2006
  13. ^ [1]
  14. ^ "More on those imams: Another terror tactic", Pittsburgh Live, 30 November 2006
  15. ^ Uproar follows imams' detention
  16. ^ Flying while Muslim
  17. ^ Imam Barred From US Airways Flight Joins Interfaith Clerics and NAACP Leader for Press Conference, Prayer, and Flight on US Airways ; MAS Freedom Conducts Airport 'Pray-in' and Press Conference
  18. ^ Muslims, others protest:US Airways' removal of imams from flight called offensive
  19. ^ Muslims, others protest:US Airways' removal of imams from flight called offensive
  20. ^ North American Imams Federation conference booklet
  21. ^ Ellison seeks meeting on removal of clerics
  22. ^ Probes dismiss imams' racism claim
  23. ^ Probes dismiss imams' racism claim
  24. ^ "Imams seek settlement with US Airways over removal from flight", CNN, Dec. 11, 2006.Retrieved on Jan. 27, 2007
  25. ^ The real target of the 6 imams' 'discrimination' suit, Katherine Kersten, Minneapolis Star Tribune, March 14, 2007
  26. ^ Imams' suit risks 'chill' on security, [Audrey Hudson]], The Washington Times, March 24, 2007
  27. ^ Hill bill protects flying public, Audrey Hudson, The Washington Times, March 24, 2007
  28. ^ Flying while Muslim
  29. ^ Offense/Incident/Arrest Report (November 20, 2006). Retrieved on Dec. 19, 2006
  30. ^ a b c "High-Flying Profiling: Six Muslim Leaders Removed in Handcuffs From US Airways Plane After Praying in Airport", Democracy Now, November 29, 2006. Retrieved on Dec. 11, 2006
  31. ^ Steve Karnowski. "6 Imams Removed From Twin Cities Flight", Associated Press, November 21, 2006. Retrieved on Dec. 11, 2006
  32. ^ a b Audrey Hudson. "Imam disputes tie to Hamas", The Washington Times, December 1, 2006.
  33. ^ "Nobles and knaves", The Washington Times, December 2, 2006
  34. ^ "US Airways passengers talk about the removal",, November 21, 2006 (video - click on link in the left sidebar)
  35. ^ A profiling in courage, Investor's Business Daily, 22 November 2006.
  36. ^ MAS Freedom Foundation Leads Powerful Interfaith Response to Air Travel Profiling
  37. ^ On a Wing and a Prayer (Grievance theater at Minneapolis International Airport) by Debra Burlingame, The Wall Street Journal, 6 December 2006.
  38. ^ Marshals decry imams' charges
  39. ^ "Tale Of Fibbing Imams", Investor's Business Daily, 4 December 2006.
  40. ^ "Suspicion about imams grows as terror links pile up", Star Tribune, December 10, 2006
  41. ^ Airport Security Should Be Profiling Arabs, by Ann Coulter, November 29, 2006
  42. ^ A profiling in courage, Investor's Business Daily, 22 November 2006.]