Florina (planet)

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Florina is a fictional world in Isaac Asimov's Foundation universe. Its fate is the main theme of the novel The Currents of Space.

Florina is inhabited by light-skinned peasants[1] growing a crop called kyrt, treated as exploited workforce by their overlords from Sark. Some of the Florians are red-haired, including the 'Townsman'. [2]

With the exception of their rather Celtic complexion and features, Florinians are depicted as a Galactic equivalent of black slaves in pre-Civil War South. Thus, they are expected to show deference and reverence to their Sarkite oppressors, and, any sexual congress between Sarkite females and Florinian males being the taboo of taboos, Florinian men are not even allowed to look at Sarkite ladies. Dissent and sedition among Florinians is ruthlessly punished: the novel mentions in passing the unmasking and eradication of a peasant secret society called The Soul of Kyrt. Some Florinians are allowed to study, but only to became representatives of Sarkite power on their own planet, effectively the henchmen of the oppressors.

[edit] References

  1. ^ The man was ... like all Florinians, very fair of skin and light of hair... There were few worlds in the Galaxy in which the skin colour was so extreme as either Libair or Florina. Generally, intermediate shades were the rule. (Chapter Five)
  2. ^ Valona's hair is "between blond and brown" (Chapter One). Rik is found by a black-haired lad called Rasie. (Chapter Two).