Flood (Church)

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Flood is a non-denominational, Protestant megachurch in San Diego. Flood is open in to people of all ages, though it has a high teenage and twenty-something following[1]. Flood is pastored by Matt Hammett and is the home church for Future of Forestry when they are not on tour.

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[edit] Services

Flood meets at Kearny High School Sunday mornings at 10:00 and Sunday evenings at 5:00, 7:00, and 9:00. Children's church (Age 2 through grade 5), called "Flood Kids" is meets during the 10:00 AM service and the 5:00 PM service. The 7:00 PM service is interpreted into American Sign Language for the deaf and hard-of-hearing.

[edit] History

Flood was started in 2000 as a ministry of College Avenue Baptist Church by pastor Matt Hammett when he was the high school ministries leader at the church. The first service was held on October 22, 2000 and had 300 people in attendance. Flood's popularity grew within the church -- a second service was added in 2001, and a third service in 2002[2].

In 2005, the leaders of Flood decided that it should be its own church and in early 2006 it separated from College Avenue Baptist Church, though for several months they continued to rent the space from College Avenue. In the Spring of 2006, Flood moved to its new home at Kearny High School and added its first morning service, bringing it to four services every Sunday.

[edit] Doctrine

While Flood began as the ministry of a Baptist congregation and remains a member of the Baptist General Conference, it's functionally non-denominational and offers Biblically-based relevant sermons[3]. Despite its megachurch size, Flood's heavy reliance on the Bible and emphasis on social justice aligns the church theologically with the Emerging Church.

[edit] Ministries

[edit] Interest & Community Groups

  • Community Groups meet weekly in Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, La Mesa, Del Mar, Tierresanta, and uptown, as well as near SDSU, USD, PLNU, and UCSD[4].
  • Interest Groups meet anywhere from weekly to monthly for entrepreneurs, book club, drama, music, hip-hop dance, modern dance, surf, puppets, outdoors, running, scrapbooking, team sports, visual arts, and ASL[5].

[edit] Missions

Flood is very involved in the country of Malawi on the continent of Africa, both directly and through Children of the Nations. Flood has also taken an active role in the development of Invisible Children.

Flood organizes regular trips to Tijuana to visit orphanages and build houses. In addition, Flood Love delivers food, clothing, and other necessities to the homeless locally. And since moving to Kearny High School, Flood has taken an active role in the Kearny Mesa community, revitalizing the high school's theater, buying school supplies for Kearny High students from lower-income families, buying Christmas presents for low-income families, and getting involved with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of San Diego.

[edit] Broadcasting

Flood posts MP3 copies of the sermons on their Web site and has begun podcasting services as well.

[edit] Church Plants

In addition to Flood San Diego, Flood planted a church in Scottsdale, Arizona called Flood the Desert and in January, 2007 launched Flood Malawi in Malawi's capital city of Lilongwe.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Flood Brings Life to Dry Land. Bethel Seminary. Retrieved on December 16, 2006.
  2. ^ Church History. DiveIntoFlood.com. Retrieved on December 16, 2006.
  3. ^ Who We Are (and who we are not). DiveIntoFlood.com. Retrieved on December 16, 2006.
  4. ^ Community Groups at Flood. DiveIntoFlood.com. Retrieved on December 16, 2006.
  5. ^ Interest Groups at Flood. DiveIntoFlood.com. Retrieved on December 16, 2006.

[edit] External links