Flin Flon School Division

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The Flin Flon School Division maintains and operates three Elementary Schools and two High Schools in the city of Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada. The Flin Flon School Division provides educational services to the children of Flin Flon, Channing, Manitoba, as well as the residentially developed nearby areas of Big Island, Schist Lake, and Bakers Narrows on Lake Athapapuskow.

Historically, The School Division has also serviced the High School students of nearby Creighton, Saskatchewan and Denare Beach, Saskatchewan, although in 2003/2004, Creighton residents began the development of their own High School Program at Creighton School.

Notable allumni who spent their youth as students in the Flin Flon School Division include professional hockey players Bobby Clarke, Reggie Leech, and Reid Simpson.

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