Flaga (demon)

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Flaga is a demon or spirit in the Dictionnaire Infernal, Flaga is a Scandinavian fairy, though some claim she was only

a magician who rode on an eagle de Plancy listed her as a

fairy, very little can be found out about Flaga, she was a

fairy who visited poets and brought them gifts then flew away

on a sparrow. To attract her favor poets would hang a red

flag outside their window, and sometimes capture her by

closing the window and thus cutting her off from her sparrow

and her escape. When captured Flaga would become angry and

use her infernal powers to give the poet or writer "writers

block" . She was also mentioned to stow away on boats and

fool their crews into believing they were far from land,

causing them to scuddle their boats on shore.
She is described as being small enough to fly on the back of

a sparrow and dressed all in red with long red hair and a

whip used to wrangle birds, sometimes she is depicted wearing

speedwell in her hair.
Flaga is remembered as a friend to sea birds and flying


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