List of people by name: Fis

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Name F | Fa | Fb-Fd | Fe | Ff-Fh | Fi | Fj-Fk | Fl | Fm-Fn | Fo | Fp-Fq | Fr | Fs-Ft | Fu | Fv-Fz

Fia-Fir | Fis | Fit-Fiz

[edit] Fisc

[edit] Fisch

[edit] People named Fisch

  • Fisch, Robert O. (fl. mid 20th century), Hungarian-born physician & author

[edit] Fischb

  • Fischbecker, Siegfried, magician

[edit] Fische

[edit] Fischel

[edit] Fischer

[edit] Fischer, A-E

[edit] Fischer, F-K
  • Fischer, F
    • Fischer, Franz Josef Emil (1877-1947)
  • Fischer, H
    • Fischer, Ha
    • Fischer, He
      • Fischer, Heinz (born 1938), Austrian politician
      • Fischer, Hellmut Johannes (1902-1976)
      • Fischer, Hermann Otto Laurenz (1888-1960)
      • Fischer, Hervé (born 1941), French-born artist & philosopher
  • Fischer, J
  • Fischer, K
    • Fischer, Karl (1901-1958), German chemist
    • Fischer, Karl (1917-1993), Austrian actor
    • Fischer, Karl (fl. 1942), German soldier
    • Fischer, Karl (fl. 1940s), German activist

[edit] Fischer, M-W
  • Fischer, M-N
    • Fischer, Martin (1867-1947), Swiss automobile designer
    • Fischer, Martin Henry (1879-1962)
    • Fischer, Nikolaus Wolfgang (1782-1850)
  • Fischer, O-P
    • Fischer, Ottfried (born 1954), German actor & comedian
    • Fischer, Otto Phillipp (1852-1932)
    • Fischer, Otto Wilhelm (1915-2004), actor
    • Fischer, Phillipp Wilhelm (1877-1946)
  • Fischer, R
  • Fischer, S-T
  • Fischer, V-W
    • Fischer, Viktor (1875-1943)
    • Fischer, Waldemar Rudolf Johann (1881-1934)
    • Fischer, Werner Reinhold Lothar (born 1902)
    • Fischer, Wildman, musician

[edit] Fischh

[edit] Fischl

  • Fischler, Franz (born 1946), Austrian politician, former European Commissioner

[edit] Fise

  • Fiseisky, Alexander, organist

[edit] Fish

[edit] People named Fish

[edit] Fisha - Fishb

[edit] Fishe

[edit] Fishl - Fishm

[edit] Fisk

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