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Okay my name I mean username is Firo1. I made a microsoft word document that I named Dragons escape the game. It is a world of Dragons from my imaginary place Towerville oh how epic it is of a land I wish other people could go there it is a fun land. Now I will tell you about Dragons escapes orgin and problems in the making of this document. Well it started out a perfect day (nothing harmed my document on this day)I was in the mood to make this document so badly I started to make this page and from my other documents I copied the dragons and put them in this document(story continued in one minute)coming all together to make my final work, Dragons escape the game. On my computer(I know this may sound funny at least for me) that I dragged out from our dirty old garage (our house is old) was originally taken over by a virus (but worked like there was no so called virus)which I don't know the name of (possibly Winfixer). I worked on more documents on that computer and liked that aklot i mean alot and I was happy.Then came the great betrayel (i don't know how to spell that but the correct spelling is betrayal) happened evil viruses arose to capture the computers health levels and make them go down like a vampire and a dog. The virus was called Spysheriff (a bad virus known to infect computers all over the world) and messed up my plans and did the dreaded BSOD Blue screen of death. In my fury I scanned them but it was not enough the virus just gave me that Bluescreent I mean Bluescreeny Of death. The most terrible thing ever. Recently our computer's anti-virus program Norton antivirus was disabled by a virus called Trojan horse and I saw it in the quarintine and restore section of Norton. My daddy kept saying "maybe just viewing the status of the viruses in quarintine and restore causes them to take over this poor sad helpless computer" maybe thats close enough to what he really did say but at least it makes sense. Our computer did another BSOD but didn't do that so called PMD Physical Memory dump.