Talk:First Impressions of Earth
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[edit] Quality of this Album
I am adverse to First Impressions of Earth. This album was clearly rushed - there isn't an album's worth of material in it. It's a pretty terrible thing when compared to Is This It.
- Gukarma
I tihnk this was there best album
Its better than Room on Fire, its a lot more experimental than anything before, but this doesnt always pay off, fear of sleep and killing lies suck, but there are plenty of good songs and Vision of Division Rocks-mattym
Actually they took way longer on this one, and I consider it a fine piece of work.
The reviews are unilateral and biased.
[edit] Ask me Anything
I was wondering what the instrument on this song was. I just saw them live last night and was ecstatic to hear them play this song. However, I couldn't see Nick Valensi, and thus could not see what he was playing. Any help would be appreciated.
RE: He was playing a mellotron. It's similar to a piano.
[edit] Ize of the World
why does this song have it's own page? its not a single and i don't see any reason for it to be singled out like that. :/
Because many consider it to be the focal point of the album, the centerpiece, the climax and one of the greatest Strokes songs.
-now it says "Size of the World"....?