Talk:Firebird (database server)

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[edit] Incorrect!

This line is incorrect:

Recently, the makers of Firebird asked the web browser that's now called Morzilla Firebird to change its name from "Firebird" to "Morzilla Firebird", just after it had changed its name from "Phoenix" to "Firebird". Nevertheless, Mozilla Firebird complied.

False. The branding document did not come at the request of the FirebirdSQL people. It was completely unrelated. According to Christopher Blizzard:

It wasn't, really. The branding strategy has been in the works since late last year, well before Phoenix was even on our radar. The only part of that document that was really affected by Firebird database folks was the careful use of "Mozilla Firebird" instead of just "Firebird" and the clear distinction of a "project" vs a "product". We've been talking about using "Mozilla Browser" or something similar for quite a while now.

hoshie 06:42, 27 Oct 2003 (UTC)

[edit] Features

Does this thing do anything the mySQL doesn't do? Or is faster? - 19:49, 14 September 2006 (UTC)