First Ladies of Chile

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First Lady of Chile is the unofficial title for the wife of the President of Chile. In colonial times the wives of the Royal Governors were known as Presidentas, title that was in use during the first half of the XIX century, but was slowly superseded by the newer of First Lady. Because this position is traditionally filled by the wife of the President, there is no clarity for the case of the spouse of a female president. In these cases, the title First Gentleman has been proposed, but never actually used (to date, the only female president is divorced.)

The First Ladies fulfill a protocole function as hostesses, and since 1925, they have had their own private office and staff, and preside over different charitable organizations, such as Ropero del Pueblo (1947-1958), CEMA Chile (1967-1990), Fundación Nacional de Jardines Infantiles, Fundación de la Familia, and others. At present, and since the current president is a female, the position (renamed Director of the social-cultural area of the Presidency) has been filled as an administrative position under direct appointment of President Michelle Bachelet. This social-cultural area of the Presidency comprises a series of non-profit foundations: Integra; Promoción y Desarrollo de la Mujer, Prodemu (Women's promotion and development); Fundación de la Familia (Family foundation); Tiempos Nuevos (New times), MIM (Interactive museums); Matucana 100 (Theater promotion); Orquestas Juveniles e Infantiles de Chile (Youth Orchestras); Artesanías de Chile (Arts and crafts) and Todo Chilenter[1].

[edit] List of First Ladies

Name Spouse Dates
Nicolasa Valdés y Carrera Mateo de Toro Zambrano y Ureta 1810 - 1811
María Mercedes Fontecilla Valdivieso José Miguel Carrera Verdugo 1811 - 1813
Isabel Riquelme Meza mother of Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme 1817 - 1823
Manuela Caldera Mascayano Ramón Freire Serrano 1823 - 1826
Carmen Gana López Manuel Blanco Encalada 1826
María Teresa de Larraín y Guzmán Peralta Agustín Manuel de Eyzaguirre y Arechavala 1826 - 1827
Luisa Garmendia Aldurralde Francisco Antonio Pinto Díaz 1827 - 1829
Mariana de Aguirre y Boza Francisco Ramón Vicuña Larraín 1829
Rafaela Bezanilla Bezanilla José Tomás Ovalle y Bezanilla 1829 - 1830
Rosario Larraín Rozas Francisco Ruiz-Tagle Portales 1830
Rafaela Bezanilla Bezanilla José Tomás Ovalle y Bezanilla 1830 - 1831
María del Carmen Sotomayor Elzo Fernando de Errázuriz y Aldunate 1831
Manuela Warnes y García de Zúñiga José Joaquín Prieto Vial 1831 - 1841
Enriqueta Pinto Garmendia Manuel Bulnes Prieto 1841 - 1851
Rosario Montt Goyenechea Manuel Montt Torres 1851 - 1861
Tránsito Flores de la Cavareda José Joaquín Pérez Mascayano 1861 - 1871
Eulogia Echaurren García-Huidobro Federico Errázuriz Zañartu 1871 - 1876
Delfina de la Cruz Zañartu Aníbal Pinto Garmendia 1876 - 1881
Emilia Márquez de la Plata Guzmán Domingo Santa María González 1881 - 1886
Emilia de Toro Herrera José Manuel Balmaceda Fernández 1886 - 1891
Leonor Frederick Ledesma Jorge Montt Alvarez 1891 - 1896
Gertrudis Echenique Mujica Federico Errázuriz Echaurren 1896 - 1901
María Errázuriz Echaurren Germán Riesco Errázuriz 1901 - 1906
Sara del Campo Yávar Pedro Montt Montt 1906 - 1910
Mercedes Valdés Cuevas Ramón Barros Luco 1910 - 1915
Ana Echazarreta Pérez-Cotapos Juan Luis Sanfuentes Andonaegui 1915 - 1920
Rosa Ester Rodríguez Velasco Arturo Alessandri Palma 1920 - 1925
Leonor Sánchez Vicuña Emiliano Figueroa Larraín 1925 - 1927
Graciela Letelier Velasco Carlos Ibáñez del Campo 1927 - 1931
Graciela Fehrman Martínez Juan Esteban Montero Rodríguez 1931 - 1932
Herminia Arrate Carlos Dávila Espinoza 1932
Rosa Ester Rodríguez Velasco Arturo Alessandri Palma 1932 - 1938
Juana Rosa Aguirre Luco Pedro Aguirre Cerda 1938 - 1941
Marta Ide Pereira Juan Antonio Ríos Morales 1942 - 1946
Rosa Markmann Reijer Gabriel González Videla 1947 - 1952
Graciela Letelier Velasco Carlos Ibáñez del Campo 1952 - 1958
None Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez 1958 - 1964
María Ruiz-Tagle Jiménez Eduardo Frei Montalva 1964 - 1970
Hortensia Bussi Soto Salvador Allende Gossens 1970 - 1973
María Lucía Hiriart Rodríguez Augusto Pinochet Ugarte 1973 - 1990
Leonor Oyarzún Ivanovic Patricio Aylwin Azócar 1990 - 1994
Marta Larraechea Bolívar Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle 1994 - 2000
Luisa Durán de la Fuente Ricardo Lagos Escobar 2000 - 2006
Adriana Delpiano
María Eugenia Hirmas Rubio
Michelle Bachelet Jeria 2006 -2007
2007 -

[edit] Footnotes and references