Firouz Mirza Nosrat-ed-Dowleh Farman Farmaian III

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Nosrat Dowleh in his youth.
Nosrat Dowleh in his youth.

Prince Firouz Mirza Nosrat-ed-Dowleh III, eldest son of Prince Abdol Hossein Mirza Farmanfarma and Princess Ezzat-Dowleh. He was born at some time near 1889, and died in April 1937. Grand-son of his name-sake, Nosrat Dowleh Firouz Mirza, and of Mozzafar-al-Din Shah Qajar through his mother Princess Ezzat-Dowleh.

Spoke 5 languages: Persian, Arabic, French, English, ?. Attended Lycee Jansen in Paris. As surnames had not been established in Persia at the time of his studies in France, he registered himself as 'Firouz Firouz', using his grandfather's name as his surname. Afterwards, when the Persian government made having surnames mandatory by law, his father Prince Abdol Hossein Mirza Farmanfarma picked the surname Farmanfarmaian for himself and his children. However, Nosrat-ed-Dowleh and his sister, held on to the surname 'Firouz' and became known as Firouz Firouz and Maryam Firouz respectively.

Minister of Foreign Affairs under Ahmad Shah Qajar; architect of the ill-fated 1919 Anglo-Persian Agreement; candidate for accession to the Qajar throne after Soltan Ahmad Shah's exile and removal; in 1921, during the coup which brought Reza Shah to power he spent three months in the Qasr-e-Qajar jail with his father and younger brother Abbas Mirza Salar Lashgar while Reza Shah consolidated his power base. Following his release he continued his public life for nine more years serving as a member of parliament, provincial governor, minister of justice, and minister of finance.

In June 1930, while he was acting loyally as Finance Minister for Reza Shah, the Shah had him arrested for accepting a bribe in the amount of five hundred tomans (about 100 dollars today). As an extremely wealthy prince with numerous estates Nosrat Dowleh had little need for five hundred tomans. This was only a pretext to disgrace Nosrat Dowleh and get rid of him, and resulted in him being sent to jail for a month. This episode deeply alarmed Nosrat Dowleh's father, Abdol Hossein Mirza Farmanfarma, and warned his son to curb his extravagant princely lifestyle. The warnings were not heeded. Towards the end of 1936 Reza Shah had grown more tyrannical and unpredictable than in the past. Eventually, Nosrat Dowleh was arrested by the Tehran police chief, Mokhtari and held in a Tehran prison. Despite pleas from the Farman Farma family he was not released, but instead transferred to a guarded house in Semnon, a village about eighty miles east of Tehran, where he was held incommunicado. In 1937, news returned to Nosrat Dowleh's father that he was dead. The shah had ordered that he be buried without any ceremonies or mention in the press. Abdol Hossein Mirza Farmanfarma ensured that his son was buried in the Shrine of Shah Abdol Azim where many others leading personalities of the Qajar dynasty had been buried. Not long after his death Reza Shah seized Nosrat Dowleh's compound. He had also been given time to write a letter to his twelve year old son before he was killed.

In later years it became clear that he had been killed in his room by strangulation under the supervision of a doctor named Ahmadi. In 1940, after Reza Shah abdicated for his son, the courts found Dr. Ahmadi guilty of killing dozens of political prisoners and sentenced him to death by hanging. Mottaki was sentenced to a long prison term.

Nosrat-ed-Dowleh translates to "Illumination of the State"


[edit] Offspring

[edit] Government Positions Held

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs (c.1925?)
  • Minister of Finance ()
  • Minister of Justice
  • Governor
  • Minister of Parliament

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] Sources

  • pages 71+, Daughter of Persia