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FiO2, in the field of medicine, is the fraction of inspired oxygen in a gas.
The FiO2 is expressed as a number from 0 (0%) to 1 (100%). The FiO2 of normal room air is 0.21 (21%).
A patient's FiO2 may be varied through the use of different Venturi masks, in combination with varying oxygen flow rates, mainly during mechanical_ventilation. An increased FiO2 is necessary in managing adequate oxygenation in patients who are critically ill due to causes such as major surgery, injury to lungs, multi organ failure etc.
FiO2 is a parameter used in lungs pre-esplantation procedure. Donor's FiO2 after 40% O2 aif flow Donor's FiO2 after 100% O2 aif flow Donor's FiO2 after opening chest and 100% O2 aif flow