Film (music group)

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 First line-up of group Film
First line-up of group Film

Film was a Croatian rock group founded in 1978 in Zagreb. Film was one of the more popular rock groups in the ex-Yugoslav new wave (Novi val) in the late 1970s to early 1980s.


[edit] First line-up

Jura Stublić - Singer, songwriter and leader of the group // Mladen Jurčić 'Max' - Solo guitar // Marino Pelaić 'Baracuda' - Bass guitar // Ivan Stančić 'Piko' - Drums

In 1981 the group became very popular. Its first big hit was the song "Neprilagođen" ("Maladjusted"). In that time Jura Stublić wrote hits like "Zamisli život u ritmu muzike za ples" ("Imagine life in the rhythm of music for dancing"), "Radio ljubav" ("Radio love"), "Zajedno" ("Together"), "Kad si mlad" ("When you are young"), "Odvedi me iz ovog grada" ("Get me out of this town"), "Zona sumraka" ("Twilight zone"), etc. The concert generally accepted as the greatest occoured in the Zagreb-located club Kulušić on February 11, 1981 when they recorded a live album. In 1986, the first line-up of the group collapsed. There were also attempts to sell their albums in France, with the name changed to "Le cinema". They had less than 1000 albums sold in France.

 Cover of the "Live in Kulušić" album
Cover of the "Live in Kulušić" album

[edit] Jura Stublić with the new group Film

Not long after the disbandment of the original line-up Jura Stublić started a solo career, forming a new band under the moniker of "Jura Stublić & Film". In that time they had some successful songs like "Sjećam se prvog poljupca" (I remember my first kiss), "Glas srca" (Voice of heart), "Dobre vibracije" (Good vibrations) which is not remake of Beach Boys, "Ljubav je zakon" (Love rules), etc., still not managing to surpass the critical and public acclaim of the original line-up. In 1992 he made his last album, when the war in Croatia began, "Hrana za golubove". On that album there were two pacifist songs, "E, moj druže beogradski" ("Oh, my comrade from Belgrade"), and "Bili cvitak" ("White flower").

[edit] Videoclips

Film and Jura Stublić made videoclips for songs:

  • "Zamisli život u ritmu muzike za ples"
  • "Neprilagođen"
  • "Zona sumraka"
  • "Rob ljubavi"
  • "Dobre vibracije"
  • "Chicago"
  • "E, moj druže beogradski"
  • "Bili cvitak"
  • "Lijepo, lijepo, neopisivo"
  • and maybe more.

[edit] Discography

  • "Još jučer samo na filmu a sada i u vašoj glavi", Helidon, 1981
  • "Film u Kulušiću – Live", Jugoton, 1981, mini LP, concert recording
  • "Zona sumraka", Jugoton, 1982
  • "Sva čuda svijeta", Jugoton, 1983
  • "Signali u noći", Jugoton, 1985
  • "Sunce sja", Jugoton, 1987
  • "Zemlja sreće", Jugoton, 1989
  • "Hrana za golubove", Croatia Records, 1992
  • "Greatest hits Vol. 1", Croatia Records, 1994, compilation
  • "Greatest hits Vol. 2", Croatia Records, 1996, compilation
  • "Sve najbolje", Croatia Records, 2001