Fighters' Guild

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Inside the Skingrad Fighters Guild.
Inside the Skingrad Fighters Guild.

The Fighters' Guild is a guild in The Elder Scrolls video game fantasy universe. It is spread across Tamriel and is supported by the Empire. The Fighters' Guild is dedicated to combat arts and mercenary business, offering its services for a payment. Its purpose is to foster the development and tradition of the martial arts, and to prevent the mercenary and bounty hunting trade from gravitating naturally towards association with criminal elements.

The Fighters' Guild maintains a neutral position towards the Imperial Legion and most other factions. The Morrowind section is run by a Nord named Sjoring Hard-heart, who has some dislike towards the Thieves' Guild.

The Cyrodiil chapter is run by an Imperial named Vilena Donton, and is plagued by a rival outfit called the Blackwood Company. The Blackwood Company appears to be of considerably looser moral standards than the Fighter's Guild, and is certainly not above foul play to eliminate their primary competition. The Blackwood Company is not Imperially sanctioned.


[edit] History

[edit] Imperial Charter of the Guild of Fighters

[edit] Purpose

The Guild of Fighters provides employment to free-swords (Blade and Blunt weapons), mercenaries and contracts to local citizens. Citizens may contract with the Guild for the removal of creatures and pests, the delivery of goods on dangerous routes, the collection of beasts for the arenas, and other duties defined by the Guild Stewards.

[edit] Authority

The Guild of Fighters was established under the section 4 of the "Guilds Act," and this charter was first confirmed under the Potentate Versidue-Shaie in the 321st year of the Second Era.

[edit] Rules and Procedures

Any member of the Guild of Fighters who kills or steals from another member shall be expelled from the Guild. Striking a guild member once or twice does not result in immediate expulsion, but more than twice does. Re-admittance is at the discretion of the Guild Stewards.

Citizens who contract with the Guild of Fighters and have a dispute may appeal first to the Guild Steward who accepted the contract and second with the authorities of each Province.

[edit] Membership Requirements

The Guild selects candidates who are strong and healthy. A candidate must have some proficiency with long blades, axes, blunt weapons, and shields. Guildsmen must be able to use and maintain heavy armor. Would be members must also have a clean criminal record at the time of registration. This means that the player must not have a bounty on their heads at the time of registration.

[edit] Applications for Membership

Candidates must present themselves to the Steward of the Guild Hall for examination and approval.

[edit] Role of the Guild

[edit] The Guild in Morrowind

In Morrowind, the Fighters' Guild is a thriving organization that is trying its best to serve the people of Vvardenfell (for a small fee, that is).

Chapters are established in Guild-owned, free-standing guildhalls in the towns of Ald'ruhn and Balmora. The chapter in Sadrith Mora is established in Wolverine Hall under lease from the House Telvanni Council. The chapter in Vivec is established in the Foreign Quarter under lease from the Tribunal Temple.

[edit] The Guild in Oblivion

In Oblivion, the Fighters' Guild continues to pursue contracts for payment. But they have gained a new enemy, The Blackwood Company. Run by Argonians that have a "hist sap" which they feed their employees which is like a modern day hallucinogen drug. Your characters first encounter with the sap causes him/her to believe that a peaceful village has been overrun with goblins. The protagonist must defeat them in order to climb to the top of the Guild's ladder.

There is a guild hall at which a protagonist can sign up at in Cheydinhal, Chorrol, and Anvil.

Organizations of The Elder Scrolls
Military/Mercenary: Blades | Buoyant Armigers | Fighters' Guild | Imperial Legion | Ordinators
Religious/Mystical: Mages' Guild | Tribunal Temple
Covert: Camonna Tong | Dark Brotherhood | Morag Tong | Thieves' Guild
Political: Houses of Morrowind
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