Field trial

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A Spaniel Field Trial
A Spaniel Field Trial

A field trial is a highly competitive event at which hunting dogs usually compete against one another. Field trials are usually organized by kennel clubs or other gun dog organizations. Field trials are generally considered more competitive than hunt tests in that success at a field trial requires a higher level of training than success at a hunt test requires. For example, in Retriever Field Trials, dogs retrieve over longer distances with a more complex path than a Retriever Hunt Test would generally provide. Field trial dogs must be "finished" in order to enter.

The term is confusing as it means different things to different breed organizations. Spaniel field trials demand that dogs compete against one another, whereas retriever field trials are more similar to hunt tests among other breeds. In most hunt tests, on the other hand, dogs are evaluated against a written standard and all of the dogs in the hunt test may qualify if they meet the standard. To further complicate the issue, various kennel organizations have differing definitions of field trial.

An American Water Spaniel retrieving
An American Water Spaniel retrieving

All dogs in the field trial are polished dogs and the competitors are evaluated against one another, meaning that only one dog can win.

Field Trials come in various grades including Open, Amateur, Sanctioned and non-sactioned. An Open field trial permits entry from any handler or trainer while an Amateur trial only permits non-professional handlers/trainers. Sanctioned trials are ones that are held under the control of a national kennal club, while the non-sanction can be organized by a local club.

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