Fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles

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A fictional element, material, isotope or atomic particle is a chemical element, material, isotope or (sub)atomic particles that exist only in works of fiction (usually fantasy or science fiction). It should be noted that no actual periodic elements end in '-ite', though many minerals have names with this suffix. Some of the materials listed as elements below may indeed be minerals, alloys, or other such combinations, but fictional works are often vague on such distinctions. Grouping is done by what seems most likely.


[edit] Fictional elements and materials

Name Source Uses
Acoustium Batman Beyond Acoustium is a fictional metal featured in the episode Shriek of the Batman Beyond series. Acoustium was found in a metal alloy of a sonic device able to generate sound waves potent enough to demolish whole buildings. It's not clear what acoustium exactly does, except increasing the acoustic properties when included in a metallic alloy.
Adamantium Marvel Comics Used in various fantasy/science fiction settings; see main article
Administratium Joke Slows down chemical reactions; a reaction normally complete in less than a second will take several days in its presence. This element is a joke, a spoof on the bureaucracy of scientific establishments and on descriptions of newly discovered elements.
AM2 Sten series by Allen Cole and Christopher Bunch Anti-matter mineral from parallel universe (only known to Emperor), the unique energy source that provides all power needs of mankind and the Earth Empire.
Amazonium DC Comics Found only on the island of Themyscira, this metal is used in alloys to create extremely strong and lightweight armor. An example of an Amazonium alloy is found in Wonder Woman's bracelets.
Arcanite Warcraft universe A dull, flexible metal that can be forged to an edge sharper than iron and steel.
Atmosphereum (also often spelled as "Atmospherium") The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra An extremely rare element, abundant in outer space, which among many other uses is a power source and capable of raising the dead. If obtained and researched, it would certainly have countless benefits for Science! Not to be confused with an Amish Terrarium.
Bolonium or Bolognium Futurama, The Simpsons, others A fictional element used to describe something as impossible or nonsensical: "Your explanations are pure, weapons-grade bolonium!" According to Oscar Mayer's promotional periodic table of elements in The Simpsons, the atomic weight of bolonium is "delicious" or "snacktacular",
Balthorium ("Balthorium-G") Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb A fictional element used in the Russians' doomsday device. It is possible that this is a mispronunciation on the part of actor Peter Bull of the words "Cobalt-Thorium G," as both (real) elements can be used in atomic weapons to increase the amount of dangerous nuclear fallout, which agrees with the sense in which "Balthorium" is used in the movie.
Basidiumite (also Brumblium) Eleanor Cameron's Mushroom Planet series A slightly greenish solid, twice the density of uranium. Infragreen spectrum. Makes up the blue-green planet Basidium.
Bazulium Doctor Who A gold-coloured metal that can predict the weather.
Bendezium Metroid Prime An extremely tough metal that can only be destroyed by a power bomb.
Bernalium Doctor Who serial "The Wheel in Space". Because it is stated as being a source of power, it would apparently be radioactive. It gets its name from J. D. Bernal, a British physicist.
Byzanium Raise the Titanic A highly powerful radioactive element transported in a safe aboard the sunken RMS Titanic.
Calculon The Adventures of Tintin, Destination Moon Discovered by Professor Cuthbert Calculus. This substance has a silicon base and can resist very high temperatures. It was one of the scientific discoveries that enabled Professor Calculus to plan a manned mission to the Moon.
Carbonite Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Carbonite was originnaly used to keep Tibanna gas fresh. The chamber on Bespin was reconfigured to provide stasis for Luke Skywalker for his transport to Emperor Palpatine. It was tested on Han Solo. It was then used to transport criminals.
Carmot mythology, alchemy The material which the Philosopher's stone is said to be made of. Both items may be one and the same.
Cavorite H.G. Wells' The First Men in the Moon and the War of the Worlds; also used in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and A Deepness in the Sky Cavorite is impervious to gravity and can shield other materials from its effects. It is used to shield a craft from Earth's pull, allowing easy flight. It was named after its discoverer, Mr. Cavor, who used its levitational properties to travel to the Moon. It also coats Martian flying machines, although, it is referred to as a "gravity- blocking substance", and not Cavorite.
Chelonium The Science of Discworld A material which according to the Unseen University wizards mostly makes up the world-bearing turtle "Great A'Tuin." Since they can do a test to determine its (non)existence in Roundworld they are probably correct.
Colour out of space H. P. Lovecraft's horror tale "The Colour Out of Space" Toxic and mutagenic element, of indescribable colour and unknown spectrum, from a meteorite that lands in a field.
Dalekanium Doctor Who A metal used by the Daleks as a component of their armoured casings. Also, in an alternate reality, an unstable explosive powerful enough to penetrate those casings. The two may not be the same substance.
Deletium User Friendly An unwanted substance typically removed from computer systems. Characterized by consistent performance failures and expensive upgrades. Also, any Microsoft product.
Dilithium Star Trek A fictional crystalline mineral in the universe of Star Trek that is used to regulate the anti-matter-powered warp drives that allow starships to travel faster than light.
Disgruntium Joke An element which attracts and absorbs all levity, humor, and joy. It is highly toxic on direct contact but also radiates an unknown particle or field which affects the emotional state of nearby individuals.
Element 152 DC Comics Element created by Mon-El by combining gold, silver and iron. It has anti-gravity properties and was eventually used in rings, allowing members of the Legion of Super-Heroes to fly.
Elephantanium Duck Dodgers Turns the one who contacts it into an elephant.
Elephantigen The Science of Discworld A material which according to the Unseen University wizards makes up the four world-bearing elephants: Berilia, Tubul, Great T'phon and Jerakeen. Since they can do a simple test to determine whether it exists in Roundworld they are probably correct.
Elerium X-COM: UFO Defense The element, atomic number 115, upon which all alien power systems are based. It facilitates space flight (although whether faster-than-light or not is not explicit) due to its property of emitting gravity waves under particle bombardment. Used as a fuel for advanced craft, and to power weapons and devices based on alien technology.
Energon Transformers Highly radioactive, highly unstable material that can by synthesized through refinement of other materials (though the process to do this is unknown, and naturally-occurring Energon does exist). Energon can be either crystalline or liquid in form, and can appear in a variety of colors.
Eternium DC Comics An ore that is said to be a major source of magic power. Comes from only one location: the Rock of Eternity, the home of the wizard Shazam and guarded by all members of the Marvel family. The Rock was destroyed in the 30th century, causing the fourth Captain Marvel to search for the pieces. Following the explosion, however, Eternium proved to be harmful to her, in a manner comparable with Kryptonite's effect on Kryptonians. Also referenced in World of Warcraft as the most difficult lockbox in the game, only dropped in high level dungeons and can only be opened by experienced lockpickers.
Etherium /
Aetherium /
Volucite /
Hikouseki /
Levitation Stone
Castle in the Sky A bright blue mineral present in small amounts in all rocks in the location Castle in the Sky takes place in. Pure crystals of etherium, which are very difficult to manufacture, are capable of repelling gravity to a degree, causing objects to float. It also stimulates plant growth.

"Hikouseki" (飛行石), Levitation Stone in romaji, is speculated to be its English version "Volucite".

Femium Wonder Woman TV Series Element found only on Paradise Island. Prolonged exposure to radiation from ore gives women immortality and superstrength; has no effect on men. Ore can be fashioned into a bulletproof metal, but is usually used for jewelry, such as bracelets.

Feminum was created for the TV series only and is not canonical in the DC Universe, where it is an analog to Amazonium (see above).

Finkilium I Dream of Jeannie TV sitcom A rare metal sought by NASA and imperative to the success of the Saturn 12 program. Mentioned in episode 116, "Guess Who's Going to Be A Bride".
Fulgarator/Deflagrator Facing the Flag An extremely powerful explosive developed by the literally mad scientist Thomas Roch in Jules Verne's book and placed at the disposal of the pirate Ker Karaje. To produce an explosion the application of a liquid known as "Deflagrator" is needed, otherwise the Fulgarator is nothing but inert powder. A few grams suffice to smash a long tunnel through tough volcanic rock. A projectile powered by this explosive generates such shock waves as to destroy everything in a big radius all around. Several thousand tons would smash the entire Earth and render it into a new asteroid belt, though no one in the book is eager to go that far.
Froonium Farscape A substance created by series producer Richard Manning while he still worked on Star Trek to represent any esoteric material. Appeared in Farscape as an in-joke in several episodes. Manning's Fandom nickname is "Froonium Ricky".
Handwavium bad science fiction Handwavium (as distinct from Unobtainium) is a substance used to violate the laws of physics or otherwise conveniently fill a plot hole without requiring effort on the part of the author. See "handwaving." Unobtainium, by contrast, is a substance that could (but is not known to) theoretically exist, or is impossible to obtain.

See also this site.

Heavy Elements The War of the Worlds Heavy elements are used to fuel Martian reactors, which seem to be the same as our nuclear reactors, although much smaller. It is presumably uranium or plutonium
Hellion Kingdom of Loathing The Hellion is a charged atom of Infernium. It is larger than you might think. And deadlier. Appears in-game as a monster made up of a single large (and deadly) atom which attacks by burning you with its particles ("He positively hits you with a proton. The overall effect for you is negative. Ouch! Ugh! Ugh!"). When defeated it will sometimes drop a "Hellion Cube" which is used to make "Hell Broth" much the same way a bouillon cube makes regular broth.
Human Dow Chemical Company advertisement Advertisements describe the "Human" element (#38, symbol "Hu", atomic mass 7E+09) to be the element of change. The Human element is the element that allows the advances in chemistry.
Illudium Phosdex Looney Tunes Also known as the shaving cream atom, it was found only on Planet X, which was unfortunately destroyed when both Duck Dodgers and Marvin the Martian tried to conquer it for Earth and Mars, respectively.
Imperium X Sten series by Allen Cole and Christopher Bunch Highly inert element that does not annihillate when comes in contact with AM2. Is used to contain and store AM2.
Impervium Donald Duck [Magic: The gathering] Material of which the doors of Scrooge McDuck's money bin are made according to Carl Barks. Also, the material out of which darksteel is made.
Inertron Legion of Super-Heroes Chemical element that is resistant to all known forms of chemical and electromagnetic interaction. It is essentially indestructible.
Infernium Kingdom of Loathing Infernium ionizes to the Hellion. See Hellion. Additionally, Demoninjas sometimes brag about their katana blades being made of Infernium, so presumably the hot katana blades they sometimes leave behind are made of it too. Demoninjas claim that the blades are unbreakable, but this is demonstrably false; their most noteworthy property seems to be that they're perpetually hot.
Japanium Mazinger Z Extremely strong material used in the construction of Mazinger Z. Discovered by Doctor Tanaka. See also Super Alloy Z
Jouronium Battlefield 2142 A material used to make sniper rifle bullets and other gun components.
Jumbonium Futurama Each atom of this element is large enough to be easily visible to the naked eye, with marble-sized nucleons and electrons.
Kryptonite DC Comics Crystalline material, originally in various colours with separate effects, harmful to Kryptonians and created during the destruction of Superman's home planet Krypton; synthesis is also possible. John Byrne's retcon of the DC Comics universe established Green Kryptonite as a compound and later issues had experiments by Batman and Luthor reestablished the Pre-Crisis versions of Red, Blue, and Gold.
Laconia Phantasy Star video game series Valuable metal used in the construction of weapons and armor, described as the strongest material in Algol. Found in great quantities on the planet Dezolis.
Lux Arcot, Wade, and Morey novels by John W. Campbell Material created from light; indestructible and transparent. Used in the hull of the heroes' spaceships. See also Relux.
Maclarium Stargate SG-1 Mentioned in passing, Maclarium is a heavy element that has an atomic weight of over 200. No other details are given.
Maractite Neopets It is an element that can pass through water as easily as something could pass through air.

It has an "inverted" way of corroding; it reacts fast with oxygen and carbon dioxide but stays unharmed if the oxygen is bonded to hydrogen.

Meowium The Solar Cat Book by Jim Augustyn Atomic number 0. Primarily used as meowium dioxide (MeO2) which, when applied to the fur a a cat, produces a voltage between areas of differently colored fur in the presence of sunlight.
Metatron Zone of the Enders It serves functions similar to those of silicon, forming computer chips, but is much more advanced, capable of creating completely self-aware artificial intelligence.
Mithril Norse Mythology, Middle-earth, several video games and role-playing games A light, silvery metal that is as strong as steel, but very light and easy to work. While mithril has properties similar to those of titanium or aluminium alloy, the fact that it was mined in native form in Moria suggests it has no direct real-world analogue. It is used for making superb chain-mail armour and other means of protection. It can also be worked into other forms (much as iron ore can be used to make various grades of iron and steel) with unusual properties (reflecting only the light of the moon, for instance). An alternate spelling, "Mythril", appears in the video game series Final Fantasy with basically the same properties as mithril. Also, "Mithral" used in D&D books to avoid copyright infringement claims, and "Milrith" in Simon the Sorcerer.
Naquadah Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis A heavy metal used by the Goa'uld and others as a power source. Another substance called Naquadriah has similar properties but is both more powerful and more unstable.
Narrativium The Science of Discworld and

The Science of Discworld II: The Globe

An element unique to the Discworld; proto-substance from which all things spring forth. It is the fundamental element of Story, and is how things know what they're meant to be.
Necrodermis Warhammer 40,000 A metal used by the Necron to build their war machines and bodies. It heals and grows like an organism. Originally developed to allow the C'tan star gods to experience bodies.
Necrogen Magic: The Gathering A material that exist solely on Mirrodin. In its natural state it's a thick mist covering most parts of the Mephidross but can be crafted into a spellbomb for later use. It consumes metal and flesh, turning living creatures exposed to it for a long time into Nim, a kind of living zombie bent on consuming all that is not infected with necrogen. Mephidross vampires can use the necrogen mists to temporarily turn other creatures into vampires without harming them.
Necronium GURPS Technomancer A magical, radioactive metal, similar to Plutonium in all applications, save that it radiates oz particles, poisoning by which tends to cause the victim to join the undead. It is produced artificially in nuclear reactors analogous to Pu. Depleted Necronium is dense metal devoid of all magic, very toxic to magical creatures.
Nitrium Star Trek A metall mined from asteroids, and used in dilithium chambers.
Octiron Discworld A dense black metal that is a large part of the Discworld's crust. It is highly magical with a melting point above the range of metal forges. The gates of Unseen University are made out of it. A needle made of octiron will always point to the Hub, the centre of the Discworld's magical field; it will also darn its owner's socks by itself. The University tower bell ("Old Tom") is made of it, and rings audible silences. Coin's staff in Sourcery was made out of it. In its natural state it releases considerable quantities of magical radiation, but if it becomes negatively polarized, it can be used to absorb such radiation. Octiron under pressure generates significant amounts of heat, which accounts for most of the volcanic geological processes on Discworld (At least, that's what UU thinks on the matter).
Omega Star Trek: Voyager An unstable and vastly dangerous molecule capable of destructive explosions that also disrupt subspace, making warp travel impossible. This atom is a perfect energy source, but also highly unstable and can destroy warp space. Seven of Nine mentions that the Borg revere it religiously due to its perfection and multiple components working together perfectly. Star Trek: Voyager Season 4 (4.21) Episode #89 The Omega Directive, Star Date 51781.2 (Org. Air Date: 15 April 1998)
Onnesium GDW Traveller/Marc Miller's Traveller Rare element, atomic number 118, mildly radiactive and dangerous, which has been proved to be a viable room-temperature superconductor. Onnesium is normally found as small, silvery spheres embedded within meteroric nickel-iron.
Orichalcum Mythology (Atlantis), Fate of Atlantis, several video games, Shadowrun, Irregular Webcomic! A reddish metal mined in Atlantis, used to make structures and walls. May be based on an actual mineral or gold/copper alloy, possibly Auricupride. Used to power the machinery in Atlantis in the Indiana Jones adventure game. It appears in several video games, usually as a material better than "ordinary" mithril. Also named "Orichalcon" in some games, Orichalcum also appears as an alloy in several fictional settings; see below.
Oxyale Final Fantasy A strange liquid that produces oxygen. Used to breathe underwater.
Padillium Joke, some parody periodic tables Named for aspiring chemist J. Padilla, Padillium is also known as the 'lazy element,' in reference to Mr. Padilla's habit of falling asleep during experiments.[citation needed] It appears on some periodic tables as the very heavy, very inert 'Zz.'
Phazon Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption A blue or occasionally orange mutagenic and (in high quantities) toxic ore.
Phlogiston Dungeons & Dragons' Spelljammer campaign series A highly flammable medium, similar to the real-world interstellar medium, in which crystal spheres containing whole planetary systems are suspended; travel is conducted by "spelljammer ships", vessels more akin to old sailing ships than science fiction starships. Named after the Phlogiston theory, an obsolete scientific theory of combustion.
Phostlite The Adventures of Tintin, The Shooting Star Discovered by Professor Decimus Phostle. Exposure to this element causes living things to grow rapidly to enormous size.
Photonium Voyager virtual season project Used in starship hull construction. This "photon matter" has almost no mass, allowing for the impressive maneuverability. It can alter its refraction index to absorb light and energy, which is why energy-based weapons and sensors have little to no effect. This matter, however, can only absorb a specific amount of light and energy before becoming overloaded, and thus returning to its original state.
Plutonite Oakley Oakley uses this name for the polycarbonate lenses in their sunglasses.
Primium Mage: The Ascension A material designed by the Technocracy to resist magical abilities. It is also tough enough to be used as armor plate.
Promethium warhammer 40,000 A material that acts like napalm on steroids. It can also be used as Gasoline.

Promethium is also a real element.

Protonite Piers Anthony's The Apprentice Adept series A mineral found only on the planet Proton, it was used throughout the galaxy as a powerful energy source. On Proton's magical alternate world, Phaze, it was Phazite, the source of magic energy.
Pyreal Asheron's Call Fictional metal found on the planet Auberean and used as currency and to forge weapons.
Randomonium Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed A fluorescent green element, a viscous liquid at room temperature which enables costumes to become the creatures they represent.
Relux Arcot, Wade, and Morey stories by John W. Campbell Material created from light; indestructible and totally reflective. Used in the hull of the heroes' spaceships, among other things. See also Lux.
Runite RuneScape A light blue metal that is stronger than mithril or adamantine. It is the most common armor in the game and can be crafted with a smithing level of 85 and over.
Sinisite Sinistar videogame series A high-energy material occurring naturally in crystalline form, it is found in white (1983 original game) or blue and green (1999's Sinistar: Unleashed) variants, usually mined from asteroids. It is used in the building of pieces of technology, or purified to form the high-explosive weapons known as Sinibombs.
Solium Battlestar Galactica A fictional substance in the original version of the science fiction series Battlestar Galactica. It may or may not be used in explosives.
Solium Blake's 7 A highly radioactive element utilized by the Terran Federation in a neutron bomb-type doomsday weapon to hold down hostile planets without a large military garrison.
Solenite Battlestar Galactica A fictional substance in the original version of the science fiction series Battlestar Galactica. It may or may not be derived from solium.
Stupidium Various Used in several circumstances, many times to make fun of scientific jargon, especially of the use of names of elements with the suffix "-ium".
Supermanium DC Comics "The strongest metal known to science!...forged by him (Superman) from the heart of a mighty star!" A metallic ore designed to mimic Superman’s powers, as well as absorb red-sun light and Kryptonite radiation. Apparently doesn't exist post-Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Thaesium Doctor Who serial The Mutants Radioactive element used as fuel for spaceships of the Earth Empire during the 30th century that also serves an important role in the lifecycle of the native inhabitants of the planet Solos.
Thyrium Matthew Reilly's Temple A non-terrestrial elemnt, and supposed not even indigenous to Earth's solar system, a rare element only observed in trace elements in meteorite crater walls. It is evidentally stable, trans-uranic, non-radioactive and apparently fissionable - producing several orders of magnitude more energy than either Uranium or Plutonium without generating waste products or measurable radiation.
Tibanna Star Wars Expanded Universe A metallic gas mined from the gas giant Bespin, the gas is used in weapons systems.
Tiberium Command and Conquer Universe Tiberium is a fictional crystal found in the game Command and Conquer. Typically green, it is named after the place of its initial discovery on the Tiber River in Italy in the late 20th Century, Although the Brotherhood Of Nod claims it is named after Emperor Tiberous. It leaches metals out of the soil, concentrating them in crystals which can easily be collected and processed. The leaching process leaves the landscape depleted, leaving the ground underneath effectively useless for agriculture.
Trilithium Star Trek An experimental compound capable of stopping all fusion within a star. Dr. Soran used this in an attempt to return to the spatial anomaly known as the Nexus (Star Trek: Generations).
Trinium Stargate SG-1 Alien material used in the show as a substance 100 times stronger than steel, which makes up the Stargate's Iris.
Tronium Super Robot Wars (Video Game) An alien mineral several times more radioactive than Uranium, it is used as a power source for the RTX-011 Hückebein Mk III, R-2 Powered, R-GUN Powered, and SRX. It is also the ammunition used in the battleship Hagane's Tronium Buster Cannon. Only six chunks of this material are said to exist on Earth.
Turbonium Volkswagen Commercial,
Total Recall
and Dork Tower
The focal point of the first commercial for the turbo-charged version of the New Beetle. In theory, it was the element from which the turbo version of the car was forged. In the movie Total Recall, it was a metal\alloy used to extract oxygen from the ice on Mars's core. Also, heroes in the comic Dork Tower fear the dreaded Turbonium Dragon
Tylium Battlestar Galactica A fictional ore in both versions of the science fiction series Battlestar Galactica. It is very rare throughout the known universe, but essential for fueling both human and Cylon space ships, including for the purpose of faster-than-light jumps. Also referred to as "Tylinium."
Unobtainium The Core, many thought experiments Unobtainium is really any material that is unobtainable (for example, titanium was called "unobtainium" during the '60s within American aerospace due to the Soviets' cornering the market); although it can be that it possesses properties that are unlikely or impossible for any real material to possess and is hence completely unobtainable. It is also an informal name for an improbably strong material found in works of science fiction, only used explicitly in The Core. It is typically used to fill a plot hole, allowing characters to do things that may not be physically possible even in principle; thus a possibly more correct term is "handwavium." The form in the movie The Core was technically not an element. It was a Tungsten-Titanium matrix.
Upsidaisium The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show Upsidaisium is a metal that is lighter than air and can be obtained by mining in upsidaisium-rich areas.
Uridium Uridium computer game, 1986 Name for the game's top level, a metallic element the developer thought existed.
Vibranium Marvel Comics An alien metal that exists in two forms. Wakandan vibranium absorbs vibrational energy (e.g. sound). The more energy it stores the tougher it becomes, due to the energy reinforcing its molecular bonds. If the bonds are broken, all the energy is released, causing an explosion. It is found only in the African nation of Wakanda, ruled by the Black Panther. The other form, Antarctic vibranium, emits a vibration that separates the bonds of other metals, liquifying them.
Vik-ro Carson of Venus by Edgar Rice Burroughs One of the two components of Lor (see below), which when combined with Yor-san results in total annihilation of the Lor, releasing tremendous energy.
Vionesium Doctor Who In the serial Terror of the Vervoids, Vionesium is described as a rare metal from the planet Mogar. It burns brightly in air, similarly to Magnesium. The Sixth Doctor used this effect to destroy the plant based Vervoids by accelerating them through their lifecycle.
Vizorium Dirty Pair A rare metal used in the construction of warp engines in the Dirty Pair universe. First referenced in the Dirty Pair movie, Project EDEN.
Warpstone or Wyrdstone Warhammer Fantasy, also Warhammer 40,000 1st and 2nd editions A greenish-black crystal apparently of solidified magic that holds tremendous transmutatory powers: Among other things, it can be used as fuel, or even to turn base metal into gold.
Wellstone The Wellstone by Wil McCarthy Formally known as Quantum Wellstone, it is a quantum dot, programmable substrate that can emulate the properties of other elements, including the copyrighted atom Bunkerlite, impervium, and various other super-reflectors and super-absorbers.
Wishalloy aerospace term e.g. [1] An alternative to unobtainium. Historically Scramjets have been described as being made from unobtainium reinforced wishalloy
X E. E. Smith's Skylark of Space series Mysterious platinum-group metal which, when plated upon another metal such as copper, allowed that other metal to be converted entirely from mass into energy in the presence of the radiation of DuQuesne's "whatsitron".
Xentronium Master of Orion 2 Fictional substance used as an armor on alien ships. Whether it is an element or alloy is unclear.
Yor-san Carson of Venus by Edgar Rice Burroughs One of the two components of Lor (see below) which when combined with Vik-ro results in total annihilation of the Lor, releasing tremendous energy.
Yuanon Crest of the Stars novels A massive subatomic particle that emits a constant stream of energy (on the order of 500 MW). It is the "closed" form of a planespace Sord (the open form being the 1000 km wide, whitehole-like gateway into planespace).
Zexonite EarthBound An elemental ore not found on Earth, it is taken from a meteorite and used to complete the Phase-Distorter, a machine capable of sending metals and souls, but not complex organic matter, across time.
Zfylud Crystal Super Robot Wars An elemental alien material found on the planet Balmar. Named after the Balmarian god of creation and divine justice, Zfylud crystals are capable of self-replication and radiate energy that can be harnessed as a power source. The crystals also gain sentience in large numbers and are thus used by the Ze Balmary empire in its giant robots as a power source. Their most advanced mech, also named Zfylud, can change its form to adapt to its enemies. In the Original Generation series, a large chunk of Zfylud crystals assumed sentience and called itself the Septuagint. It appeared as the final boss of the aforementioned game.
Zuunium Legion of Superheroes A rare element in metallic form, found on the planet Zuun. One of the strange effects of its radiation is that it gives anyone exposed to it the powers of lycanthropy. One such "victim" of exposure became the Legionnaire Timber Wolf.

[edit] Fictional isotopes of real elements

Name Isotope of Source Uses
Curium-82 Curium Brødrene Dal og Spektralsteinene Although this isotope could never actually appear anywhere, as all Curium has at least 96 nucleons, it is used in the Norwegian film 'Brødrene Dal og Spektralsteinene' as a McGuffin. Professor Slatters claims that with it he can find a cure/vaccine for the common cold, and he and the Dal brothers go on an expedition to search for a meteorite with a sufficient amount of it. They do find one, although it is there alloyed with 'Umulium' (loosely translated from Norwegian: 'Impossibilium'), making the Curium-82 unobtainable.
Quadium Hydrogen The Mouse that Roared Common hydrogen has one proton, one electron, and no neutrons. Deuterium and tritium have, respectively, one and two neutrons per atom, and are used for hydrogen bombs. Quadium has three neutrons, and is, in the story, capable of blasting an entire continent off the face of the Earth. However in reality this isotope of Hydrogen is too unstable to exist longer than a second.
Plutonium-186 Plutonium The Gods Themselves An isotope of plutonium which is too unstable to exist in our universe but which exists naturally in parallel universes whose strong nuclear forces are more intense.
Quantium-40 Potassium Babylon 5 Essential to the functioning of jumpgates. According to the Unofficial Babylon 5 Technical Manual, the rare and expensive substance is formed when ordinary matter is subjected to the stresses of a star going nova, pushing some of its electron pair-bonds into hyperspace. Any element can become a quantium; the most commonly-found form is derived from an isotope of potassium with an atomic weight of 40, hence Quantium-40. The name was coined by a member of GEnie's Science Fiction RoundTable, David Strauss, in response to a request from the show's creator.

[edit] Isotopes of fictional elements

Name Isotope of Source Uses
Illudium Q-36 Illudium Phosdex Looney Tunes Used by Marvin the Martian as a planet-destroying explosive.
Monopasium-239 Monopasium Blake's 7 A radioactive isotope known to exist in quantity on only two planets within the Federation. When processed it can be used as fuel for extremely long-ranged (possibly intergalactic) spacecraft.
Naquadriah Naquadah Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis A highly unstable variant of Naquadah with greater explosive properties. It can also be used for the powering of highly efficient hyperspace engines. Naquadriah is formed from Naquadah in an artificial chain reaction. The only known planet containing Naquadriah is Langara (the home of Jonas Quinn) where large deposits were accidentally created from natural Naquadah deposits when a bomb using a relatively small amount of the material was tested by Jonas and a team of human scientists, radiation from the explosion started the chain reaction. It was originally created in relatively small amounts millennia ago by an unknown Goa'uld scientist. Unprotected exposure can lead to brain damage, delusions and/or schizophrenia.
Thyrium-261 Thyrium Matthew Reilly's novel Temple This isotope is found only in a binary star system, in the Pleiades. It is capable of generating enormous power in the right reactor configuration. It leaves no radioactive waste byproducts after use. It is also capable of forming a subcritical mass, detonating with enough power to vaporise a third of the Earth's mass, propelling it out of orbit, away from the sun.

[edit] Fictional (sub)atomic particles

Name Source Uses
Bigon Discover Magazine A particle discovered by French scientists which although exists for just millionths of a second, it is the size of a bowling ball. "The Bigon" was an April Fools joke article from issue no. 4/1996.
Kingon/Queon Discworld A particle hypothesized to exist by philosopher Ly Tin Wheedle. Particles that travel faster than light and transmit 'monarchy', since when a monarch dies, the successor is instantly the new monarch, with no gap or overlap between the two. The exception is when these particles are intercepted by their anti-particle, the republicon. The theory that this effect could be used for really fast information transmission (by carefully torturing a small king) was never fully developed, because at that point, the bar closed.
Reson Discworld Roughly translated as thingy, these particles combine to make up thaums. Similarly to real-world quarks, they come in five different flavours: Up, down, sideways, sex appeal and peppermint. They are considered to be the fundamental particles of reality (see Moving Pictures).
Thaum Discworld Long thought to be the smallest possible magical particle, the thaum has recently been proven to be made up of resons. The device that is used to measure the strength of magical fields is a thaumometer.
Oz GURPS Technomancer A particle that carries magical energy, found in places where boundaries between alternate possible realities are thin. Mages are able to control the flow of particles through spells, effectively reshaping the universe as they see fit.
Snarks, Boojums Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan novelisation The sub-elementary particles that quarks are made from, discovered by Drs March and Madison, two Lewis Carroll fans involved with Project Genesis. Named after the creatures in The Hunting of the Snark.

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