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Fescennia was an ancient city of Etruscan origin, which is probably to be placed immediately to the north of the modern Corchiano, 6 miles North West of Civita Castellana. The Via Amerina traverses it. At the Riserva S. Silvestro, walls exist. At Corchiano itself, however, similar walls may be traced, and the site is a strong and characteristic triangle between two deep ravines, with the third (west) side cut off by a ditch. Here, too, remains of two bridges may be seen, and several rich tombs have been excavated.

The phrase Fescennine Verses refers to a certain kind of drinking song popular at festivals in Rome and elsewere, said to have come from Fescennia.

This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.