Ferdinand Redtenbacher

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Ferdinand Jakob Redtenbacher (* July 25, 1809 in Steyr; † April 16, 1863 in Karlsruhe) is considered as the founder of science-based mechanical engineering.



[edit] Life

Redtenbacher, son of an ironmonger from Steyr, first went through an apprenticeship in commerce and accounting. After a short intermezzo as technical illustrator in the "Baudirektion" (building authority) in Linz, he attended the Polytechnikum in Vienna from 1825 until 1829. He stayed there until 1834 as an assistant to Johann Arzberger. In 1835, he accepted an invitation to become professor at the Höhere Industrieschule in Zürich, where he taught mathematics and geometry. In 1841, he finally became professor in mechanics and mechanical engineering at the Polytechnikum Karlsruhe, and as its director between 1857 and 1862, he transformed it into a school of international standing.

[edit] Influence

Redtenbacher is considered as the founder of scientific mechanical engineering. Working at the Polytechnikum Karlsruhe, he supplied the previously emprical teaching with a mathematical foundation. Among his students, such outstanding engineers as Emil Škoda and Franz Reuleaux can be found.

[edit] Works (original titles in German)

  • Theorie und Bau der Turbinen und Ventilatoren, Mannheim 1844
  • Resultate für den Maschinenbau, Mannheim 1844
  • Theorie und Bau der Wasser-Räder, Mannheim 1846
  • Principien der Mechanik, Mannheim 1852
  • Die Luftexpansions-Maschine, Mannheim 1853
  • Die calorische Maschine, Mannheim
  • Die Gesetze des Lokomotiv-Baues, Mannheim 1855
  • Das Dynamiden-System, Mannheim 1857
  • Der Maschinbau, Mannheim 1862

[edit] External link

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