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How to read a taxobox
Fossil range: Earliest Paleocene - Recent
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Superorder: Ferae


Ferae is a clade consisting of the orders Pholidota and Carnivora. At first sight, these orders of mammals do not seem to have very much in common. In fact, the Pholidotes were once thought to be the closest relatives of the Xenarthra. The close relationship to the Carnivores is a result of recent DNA research. The Ferae also includes the Creodonta, extinct primitive carnivore-like mammals. Several extinct orders, relatives of the Pholidota, are members of the Ferae as well. These orders are sometimes united with the Pholidota in one, large order: Cimolesta.

The closest relatives of the Ferae are the Perissodactyla (horses, tapirs and rhinos) and the Cetartiodactyla (which combines Artiodactyla; camels, pigs, ruminants and hippos, with Cetacea; the whales and dolphins).[1]

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